The Miracle

Govt decides to actively pursue cases against Nawaz

- Source:

ISLAMABAD: The federal cabinet on Tuesday decided to bring supreme leader of the main opposition Pakistan Muslim LeagueNawa­z and ex-premier Nawaz Sharif, who has been in London on medical grounds, back and vigorously pursue corruption cases against him in courts.

A meeting of the cabinet, which was chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan, also approved a proposal for extending the scope of Main Line-1 (ML-1) of Pakistan Railways from Karachi to Torkham border under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a week after Minister for Communicat­ions Murad Saeed on the floor of the National Assembly ruled out any such possibilit­y. Also, one of the main items discussed at the meeting was related to the prices of sugar and wheat flour, as the cabinet was informed that the first consignmen­t of 60,000 tonnes of imported wheat would arrive on Wednesday. Talking to Dawn after the meeting, a cabinet member, who did not want to be named, said: “Prime Minister Imran Khan has tasked his Adviser on Accountabi­lity Shahzad Akbar and Law Minister

Farogh Naseem with bringing back Nawaz Sharif as soon as possible.”

He said PM Khan was asked to allow Mr Sharif to stay in the UK for his medical treatment as that would also be good for politics, but Mr Khan was of the opinion that he could not give any NRO-like (National Reconcilia­tion Ordinance) concession to him and other opposition leaders facing corruption cases. He quoted the prime minister as saying: “I cannot give NRO for the sake of politics.”

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