The Miracle

Double Decker Bus between Surrey and Richmond

- By: Hanif A. Patel, Surrey

Usually people have to go downtown to enjoy Double Decker Bus ride or when they touring any popular tourist city, they prefer Double Decker Bus for sightseein­g but now Surrey residents don’t have to go anywhere they can get similar service at their own home city. Since the Trans Link authority has decided to put Double Decker Bus on permanent schedule between Surrey and Richmond, it has created a reasonable level of curiosity among commuters to clinch an opportunit­y to take up ride with new facility. The current plying Double Decker Bus has not only enhanced the beauty of Surrey City but enchanted many passengers.

The Double Decker Bus has become so popular among many riders that people allure to take long, leisure and pleasurabl­e journey with 301 Newton Express with their kids and family.

Indeed, it is a real matter of attraction for Surrey City. Some of them take pictures in their mobiles. Daily commuters happily utilize this service besides that others are unable to resist desire to take special trip just for fun.

The majority of the ridership seems happy with the introducti­on of new Bus service. Because, they believe it is exhilarati­ng and rejuvenati­ng moment to enjoy ride at their doorsteps.

So far Double Decker Bus has been running around town in original blue colour without any commercial advertisem­ent. Once colourful advertisem­ent appears , it would be looked more beautiful and eye catching.

The Trans Link decision to introduce Double Decker Bus service is greatly welcomed by Surrey and Richmond passengers. definitely it will increase more ridership.

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