The News (New Glasgow)

Trinity United


NEW GLASGOW – Greeting at the door was Ron McNutt. The Christ candle was lit by Zoe and Kale MacNeill. During the learning time Rev Donna Tourneur asked the children the question Who knows you best? Your parents know who you are and the community knows who you belong to, but as was pointed out by one of the children, only you know who you are as you grow into adulthood. That knowledge is key to understand­ing your own passion and calling. The Gospel Luke 4:14-21 was read by Jim Mitchell. The music team of Lori Miller, Jane Turner Jones, Charlie Tourneur and Karen Crowley, Director of Music chose for the special music The Lone, Wild Bird. Rev Donna during the reflection “The buzz about a local guy” asked to name some famous people from the area and then from abroad. There are expectatio­ns placed on someone who is famous. She continued with “What success looks like” and asked what does it look like to be a Christian in this time and place. She suggested that though we measure success in many ways the most important gauge ought to be how the story of Jesus has come to matter. Has it become the transformi­ng presence of God felt and carried with you throughout the week. A nursing home service was held at 2:30 p.m. at High Crest Place. Submitted when we have to bring in the big guy (snowplows) to remove it. Life is like that – God is the big guy and the Holy Spirit is the sunshine that comforts us and helps us when we need it. This Time Tomorrow was spoken by a young man who is going through serious health problems and is leaning on God (the big guy) to take over and bring comfort and healing. Faith makes the difference. Pastor Gordon Sutherland message “Choose Joy, singing in the rain” was the fourth in the Life: Turning the Ordinary Into Extraordin­ary series. He said don’t confuse joy with happiness, we can’t control the rain but we can control how we act to it. Read Isaiah 51:11, Psalm 30:11-12. Accept your assignment, God gives us the resources to use for God’s glory. Happiness is conditiona­l, joy is not. Learn contentmen­t (Philippian­s 4:4), God is with us in the midst of our struggles. Focus on the eternal, trust God in the middle of the storms, look beyond to what God has in store for us – choose joy! There is joy on the other side of the cross. Prayer time Wednesday evening at the church, 7 to 8 p.m. Submitted by Muriel Palmer

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