The News (New Glasgow)

Fiance’s service makes waves on homefront

- Abigail Van Buren

DEAR ABBY: My fiance is in the Marine Reserves. He has been in for five years and his contract is due to end next year. After that, he will either resign or re-enlist.

He’s obsessed with the idea of serving his country and deploying. He says he won’t feel like he did his job if he doesn’t deploy. While I respect that, for him to deploy he must reenlist, and his new contract will be for another six years. He could be sent overseas many times in six years.

I can’t imagine life without him. Every time I even watch a war movie, I cry. I know it sounds selfish, because he is very brave, but how can I talk him into not re-enlisting or at least communicat­e that I don’t want him to do this again? – WANTS HIM STATESIDE

DEAR WANTS: Frankly, I am surprised you haven’t told your fiance your feelings about this already, because you should have. While I wouldn’t ask him to choose between you and his military service, I do think you have some serious thinking to do about your own future. Being a military spouse requires a special kind of strong, independen­t and dedicated person – as you have already experience­d. While you may love him, if this isn’t a lifestyle to which you can adapt, he may not be the husband for you.

DEAR ABBY: My mother’s father recently got out of prison and was deported to Mexico. He had been in jail for 20 years, almost my entire life (I’m 22). While he was in prison, I wrote him several times, hoping to connect with him, but I never got a response – not even an acknowledg­ement in his letters to my mom.

When I’m asked if I have any grandparen­ts, I usually say, “I only have two grandmas.” My father’s father was the only real grandfathe­r I had, and I loved him dearly. He died in 2003.

The problem is, my mom wants me to call her father “Grandpa” when I don’t even know the man. In my opinion, the title of “Grandpa” is earned and not automatica­lly bestowed. Am I being unreasonab­le and what should I do? – ESTRANGED GRANDDAUGH­TER IN CALIFORNIA

DEAR ESTRANGED: You are not being unreasonab­le; you are being rational. You are not only not obligated to call this man “Grandpa,” you are under no obligation to speak to him at all, and I wouldn’t blame you if you kept your distance.

DEAR ABBY: I just got asked to my first high school dance by “Josh,” a boy I like. I don’t know what to do, what to wear or what to say. I don’t even know how to dance, and I don’t want to mess this up. Josh is popular and has done this before, but I haven’t. He’s my best friend, and I’m scared of losing him because I’m not good enough. Should I go or call it off and just stay home? Maybe I’m just not meant for all this dating stuff. What should I do? – INEXPERIEN­CED IN NEVADA

DEAR INEXPERIEN­CED: If you weren’t “good enough,” Josh wouldn’t have invited you to the dance. Because you haven’t danced before, ask him to give you some pointers before the big night. If you do, I’m sure he’ll be glad to help. As to what to wear, if any of your girlfriend­s have attended the dances, ask them for suggestion­s. However, if none of them have been to a school dance either, ask any female relative of the same age – or ask Josh.

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