The News (New Glasgow)

The apocalypse?

Maybe not, but if Britain exits EU, expect consequenc­es

- Gwynne Dyer Gwynne Dyer is an independen­t journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.

How’s this for apocalypti­c? “As a historian I fear Brexit (a British vote to leave the European Union in the referendum on June 23) could be the beginning of the destructio­n of not only the EU but also Western political civilizati­on in its entirety,” said Donald Tusk, the president of the European Union, in an interview published on Monday in the German newspaper Bild.

Tusk is not alone in his worries: last weekend Margot Wallstrom, Sweden’s foreign minister, fretted aloud that the British referendum could trigger an avalanche of demands for special treatment or in/out referendum­s in other EU member countries.

“Other EU member states (may) say: ‘Well if they can leave, maybe we should also have referendum­s and maybe we should also leave,’” Wallstrom told the BBC. Like Tusk, she actually fears that the whole 60-year experiment in European unity may start to fall apart if Britain leaves.

EU politician­s are not much interested in what happens to the United Kingdom after it leaves (which it may well do: an opinion poll last Friday gave “Leave” a 10-point lead). Britain was usually whiny and often downright obstructiv­e in its dealings with the EU, and if it now chooses to commit a spectacula­r act of self-mutilation, the general European view will be that it deserves everything it gets.

That is likely to be quite a lot. If the U.K. loses duty-free access to the EU’s “single market” of 28 countries and 500 million people, it becomes far less attractive to non-European investors who want access to that market. It also loses every trade deal it has with other countries, since they were all negotiated by the EU as a whole. Britain could spend 10 years trying to renegotiat­e them on its own, and end up with much worse terms.

The resultant collapse in national income might be avoided if Britain remained a part of the single market, which is theoretica­lly possible. Both Norway and Switzerlan­d belong to it without being EU members – but they have to pay in just as much as if they were members, and they have to accept the EU rules on freedom of movement, which means that any citizen of any EU member can live and work in their country.

That’s not going to go down well with the leaders of the “Leave” campaign, since their strongest selling points are stopping immigratio­n, and “saving money” by ending payments to the EU. They simply could not survive politicall­y if they openly abandoned those goals. Nor would EU leaders be willing to fudge a deal: in order to deter other members from leaving, it will be politicall­y necessary for them to punish Britain economical­ly.

You might wonder how any sane British politician, knowing this, would risk holding a referendum, let alone advocate a “Leave” vote.

The answer is a foolish miscalcula­tion (on the part of Prime Minister David Cameron), and reckless ambition (on the part of his would-be successor, Boris Johnson).

Cameron promised the referendum three years ago merely as a device for preserving the unity of the Conservati­ve Party. It would pacify the right wing of his party, which wanted out, but he thought he would never have to hold the referendum because his coalition partners, the Liberal Democrats, would veto it. Unfortunat­ely, the Conservati­ves won a narrow majority in last year’s election, the coalition ended, and Cameron was stuck with his promise.

So far, so stupid – and then Boris Johnson, Britain’s somewhat better-mannered answer to Donald Trump, took the leadership of the “Leave” campaign. Johnson was not even a dedicated anti-EU campaigner, but he was certainly dedicated to taking the leadership of the Conservati­ve Party and the prime ministersh­ip away from David Cameron.

Leading the “Out” campaign to victory, forcing Cameron’s resignatio­n and taking his place was the only way Johnson could achieve his ambition, so he took it. He has been utterly ruthless in his campaign tactics, telling lies he knows to be lies (like how much Britain pays in to the EU), and using anti-immigrant rhetoric that reeks of racism. So he may win.

But he wouldn’t enjoy being prime minister much, given what would happen to the United Kingdom if he wins. Scotland will certainly vote “Remain,” and it would probably hold a second independen­ce referendum and leave the UK rather than be dragged out of the European Union by English votes. And the truncated Britain that Johnson led would be dealing with a world of economic woe.

But what about the EU? Would it fragment? Would that lead to the destructio­n of “Western political civilizati­on in its entirety,” as Tusk suggested? (By that he presumably meant the end of the trans-Atlantic co-operation between the United States and a more or less unified Europe that has characteri­zed Western strategy for the past 60 years.)

Probably not. The EU is in the economic doldrums, and the prospect of several million refugees coming in has facilitate­d the rise of nationalis­t parties, some verging on neo-fascist, in a number of member countries. But the advantages of the single market would probably be enough to hold the EU together, especially if the members had the horrible example of Britain’s fate as a warning.

“If the U.K. loses duty-free access to the EU’s ‘single market’ of 28 countries and 500 million people, it becomes far less attractive to non-European investors who want access to that market.”

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