The News (New Glasgow)

Plenty to be proud about in Pictou

- Donna Belanger

“April showers bring May flowers” so they say, but that may only be true if you actually remembered to plant the bulbs last October. As usual, I am spotting bright yellow daffodils and the beginnings of tulips sprouting everywhere except in my own garden because I forgot once again to plant them last fall.

Mostly I have dead stuff and weeds so far this year, but I am working on that when the weather and my back permits. Meanwhile I am relying on some colourful Dollar Store purchases to bring a little life into my garden and planters, at least until the perennials bloom.

Planting seeds (or in this case, bulbs) for the future is an interestin­g concept. It brings hope, expectatio­n, satisfacti­on: something to look forward to and enjoy after a long, dreary winter. This week I have witnessed a correlatio­n between planting literal seeds and planting ideas.

A new online group called Pictou Proud recently posted a video on Facebook all about Pictou: its beautiful waterfront, its interestin­g history, its architectu­re. The video has received so much praise and so many views that it inspired a new video and in fact, a movement, calling all Pictonians to declare they are “Pictou Proud.” In essence, they are planting a seed of positivity in this town, highlighti­ng local businesses, classes, activities, volunteers, musicians, and generally anyone who wants to declare their pride in their town.

This “seed” was the brainchild of new residents Louise Dixon and Andrew Loscher, owners of a new business called Digital Ladder Marketing located on Coleraine Street. Their hope and plan is to help bring Pictou to the forefront in tourism, through helping local businesses promote their best features, and there are many.

We are so fortunate in Pictou to have some really great restaurant­s, a fantastic entertainm­ent venue, some interestin­g new shops, and many wonderful places to stay if you’re visiting from out of town. We have history, architectu­re, museums, a replica of the first ship to bring Scottish immigrants to Pictou, a waterfront walking trail, establishm­ents with seaside views, and so much more. Residents are lucky to have access to many activities for all ages, with our own pool, gym, seniors centre, clubs and groups of all sorts. But the best thing we have going for us is the people.

The people of Pictou are most definitely “Pictou Proud.” Many are lifetime residents, yet are so welcoming to “Come From Aways” like myself, and to visitors who frequent our town during tourist season. These are the people who are being featured in the video being filmed during the first two weeks of May: those who work for, or in the town, those who volunteer in many capacities, those who are members of groups and clubs, those whose livelihood depends on tourism.

The video will be featured on the Pictou Proud facebook page and the website www.PictouProu­ by the middle of the month. Look out for it, you may see someone you know!

Donna Belanger is a resident of Caribou River who is involved in many different groups in Pictou County and is always willing to find out more about what is happening while she is out and about. She can been reached at rollerdonn­

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