The News (New Glasgow)

President ‘frustrated and disappoint­ed’

Trump asks about firing Sessions, calls his position ‘weak’


President Donald Trump has spoken with advisers about firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions, officials say, and launched a fresh Twitter tirade Tuesday against the man who was the first U.S. senator to endorse his candidacy. “Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are Emails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!” Trump tweeted. The president’s anger over Sessions’ decision to recuse himself from the government’s investigat­ion of Russian meddling in the U.S. election had burst into public view Monday when he referred to Sessions in a tweet as “beleaguere­d.” Privately, Trump has speculated aloud to allies in recent days about the potential consequenc­es of firing Sessions, according to three people who have recently spoken to the president. They spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private conversati­ons. On Tuesday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” that the president is “frustrated and disappoint­ed” with Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia probe. “That frustratio­n certainly hasn’t gone away. And I don’t think it will,” she said. Trump often talks about making staff changes without following through, so those who have spoken with the president cautioned that a change may not be imminent or happen at all. “So why aren’t the Committees and investigat­ors, and of course our beleaguere­d A.G., looking into Crooked Hillarys crimes & Russia relations?” the president tweeted Monday. His tweet came just hours before his son-in-law, White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, travelled to Capitol Hill to be interviewe­d about his meetings with Russians. Trump’s rapid-fire tweeting resumed at daybreak Tuesday, with the president wondering aloud about Sessions’ “VERY weak” position on “Hillary Clinton crimes.” In another post to his Twitter account, Trump said: “Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump campaign — quietly working to boost Clinton. So where is the investigat­ion A.G.” He also mocked the Russia investigat­ion in congress, suggesting that Congress might want to talk to his 11-year-old son after it finished with Kushner. “Jared Kushner did very well yesterday in proving he did not collude with the Russians. Witch Hunt. Next up, 11 year old Barron Trump!” he tweeted. Trump’s intensifyi­ng criticism of Sessions has fueled speculatio­n that Sessions may resign even if Trump opts not to fire him. During an event at the White House, Trump ignored a shouted question about whether Sessions should step down. The attorney general said last week he intended to stay in his post. If Trump were to fire Sessions, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein would be elevated to the top post on an acting basis. That would leave the president with another attorney general of whom he has been sharply critical in both public and private for his handling of the Russia probe, according to four White House and outside advisers who, like others interviewe­d, spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private conversati­ons. It could also raise the spectre of Trump asking Rosenstein - or whomever he appoints to fill the position - to fire Robert Mueller, the special counsel leading the investigat­ion into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election and potential collusion with Trump’s campaign. The name of one longtime Trump ally, Rudy Giuliani, was floated Monday as a possible replacemen­t for Sessions, but a person who recently spoke to the former New York City mayor said that Giuliani had not been approached about the position. Giuliani told CNN on Monday that he did not want the post and would have recused himself had he been in Sessions’ position.

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? In this July 21 photo, Attorney General Jeff Sessions speaks in Philadelph­ia.
AP PHOTO In this July 21 photo, Attorney General Jeff Sessions speaks in Philadelph­ia.

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