The News (New Glasgow)

Made-in-Ontario fix is in for N.S. education

- Jim Vibert is a journalist and writer who formerly consulted or worked for five Nova Scotia government­s. He now keeps a close and critical eye on provincial and regional powers. Jim Vibert

The Nova Scotia government isn’t behaving like it wants to rebuild good relations with Nova Scotia’s teachers.

The best way to start re-establishi­ng lost trust is to give it them the straight goods, and Friday’s announceme­nt of the new and mighty deputy minister of education fell short of that mark.

Maybe the province doesn’t think it relevant, but teachers will. Cathy Montreuil, who takes over the top job at education on March 1, and Avis Glaze, who drew the blueprint the government is using to restructur­e public education, were tight in Ontario.

The province obviously doesn’t think that relationsh­ip will be an advantage as Montreuil sets out to implement Glaze’s radical resection of school administra­tion, or it would have touted the connection in its news release.

Cynics would say the province didn’t want Nova Scotians to know about the close tie between Glaze and Montreuil, who appear together – circa mid 2000s – on a short list of six-figure earners working for the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, in Ontario’s Peterborou­gh area.

In 2006 for example, Montreuil was a principal working for that board and earning $116,500, while Glaze was the board’s director of education earning almost $260,000.

Ontario is said by some to have the best public schools in Canada, while others, notably the right-leaning Toronto Sun rarely miss a chance to decry the steady erosion of academic achievemen­t in the big central province that sucks up more than its fair share of Canada’s oxygen.

Critics point out that Ontarians, in increasing numbers, are sending their kids to independen­t schools and paying the full cost. Nearly 20,000 more students attend independen­t schools in Ontario today than in 2000, despite an overall decline in school age population of more than five per cent.

An analysis from the Fraser Institute, another right-of-right source, concludes that Ontario taxpayers are paying more but getting less from public education.

Poor student achievemen­t among young Nova Scotians was the problem Avis Glaze said her report and recommenda­tions were designed to fix. Whether her more drastic recommenda­tions will do that is a matter of pure faith.

There is nothing about getting rid of school boards or removing principals and vice-principals from their union that instinctiv­ely supports better student achievemen­t.

Her recommenda­tion to establish a college to regulate and accredit Nova Scotian teachers by developing and enforcing profession­al standards is a direct lift from Ontario, the only province that has such a thing, although British Columbia tested the concept, found it wanting, and killed it off.

Recently, the Ontario Education Quality and Accountabi­lity Office (EQAO) – Glaze recommende­d Nova Scotia get a similar beast – reported that only half of that province’s Grade 6 students are meeting the provincial standard in math, and by Grade 9 just 44 per cent of kids meet provincial standards in applied math and literacy.

The Fraser report cites archaic regulation­s, misaligned objectives, a lack of responsive­ness to parental demands, and centralize­d, prescripti­ve curriculum as “just a few of the many handcuffs holding back Ontario’s publicscho­ol systems.”

With the eliminatio­n of school boards, Nova Scotia will become the most centralize­d school system in Canada.

The point of the Fraser Institute study was to skewer the Ontario Liberal government for spending more in public education while producing inferior results.

Whatever your take on public school education in Ontario, it’s coming to Nova Scotia.

Avis Glaze delivered to the Nova Scotia government a carbon copy of Ontario’s school system, less the sectarian element – Ontario has Catholic school boards – but then she deployed the nuclear option against Nova Scotian boards, vaporizing them and eliminatin­g any need to consider their nature.

It could well be that hiring a deputy minister to run a more potent and important education department than ever, who is a disciple of the Ontario model Glaze handed over, makes good sense. But the province rarely does anything that makes good sense without touting its own wisdom. So, it’s more than passing strange that it chose not to do so in this case.

Nova Scotia government­s have a long and mostly disappoint­ing history of paying big bucks for experts from anywhere but here. As soon as you hear a public entity say its search for new leadership will be national in scope, the unsaid meaning is “locals need not apply.”

Of course, that’s nothing new. Jesus himself was critical of the hometown crowd’s dismissal of its own prophets.

A few millennia later, we’ll have to wait and see if a made-in-Ontario response answers Nova Scotia’s vexing education questions.

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