The News (New Glasgow)

Armenian capital calm after protests end


After weeks of raucous protests, the streets of the Armenian capital suddenly calmed Thursday and the ruling party confirmed it would back an opposition leader to become prime minister next week.

The opposition lawmaker who led the protests in Yerevan, Nikol Pashinian, called for them to stop Thursday following the concession by the ruling party.

But the deal leaves the ruling Republican Party with a solid majority in parliament, suggesting that real change in the landlocked former Soviet republic that is a key Russian ally could still be far away.

Many protesters were still skeptical.

“We just let off steam and didn’t achieve anything yet — the Republican­s stay in power and the old system won’t change,” said Bagram Oganian, a univer- sity instructor who a day earlier was among those blocking the capital’s airport.

In a move to calm the turmoil that has gripped Armenia for weeks, the Republican Party said it would support any candidate for premier nominated by onethird of the lawmakers in parliament — support that Pashinian claims to have.

Pashinian then called on demonstrat­ors to cease their protests.

In an interview Thursday with The Associated Press, party deputy head Armen Ashotyan reaffirmed the deal for the vote that is to be held Tuesday in parliament.

“We had two criteria to assist any candidate. The first is a necessary threshold of signatures ... The second is to calm down the situation on the streets, not blocking interstate roads, airports, etc.,” he said. “So the man who could cope with these criteria is considered to be Nikol Pashinian.”

Ashotyan said if the streets stay calm “as agreed, we will assist his election.”

Yet once Pashinian takes the post, Armenia’s political dynamics will become complicate­d. Ashotyan said the Republican party would “consider itself the opposition” despite retaining a majority of lawmakers in parliament.

“In my personal opinion, there is no way of any co-operation with new political forces,” he said. “We will not be part of this government.”

A stalemate could quickly rekindle demonstrat­ors, whose actions over the past three weeks bolstered their confidence.

“We paralyzed the whole country. We showed the authoritie­s our strength and we should finish the revolution,” said 46year-old businessma­n Tigran Ovsesian.

The Yerevan protests began April 13 and spread to other parts of the country. Frustratio­n with widespread poverty and corruption burst into anger over what demonstrat­ors saw as longtime President Serzh Sargsyan’s power grab.

Sargsyan, who was president for a decade, stepped down because of term limits but on April 17 was named prime minister. Under a shift in government structure, the premiershi­p had become more powerful than the presidency.

But as the protests against him attracted tens of thousands nightly in Yerevan’s central square, Sargsyan unexpected­ly resigned just six days after being appointed prime minister.

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? Volunteers clean the Republic square in Yerevan, Armenia, yesterday after the daily protests by opposition lawmaker Nikol Pashinian and their supporters.
AP PHOTO Volunteers clean the Republic square in Yerevan, Armenia, yesterday after the daily protests by opposition lawmaker Nikol Pashinian and their supporters.

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