The News (New Glasgow)

Who speaks for me?

- Mike Shindruk Mike Shindruk, Master’s Hand Ministry

This past Saturday, I woke very early to the sun filling my home with daylight. Without a thought for the early hour I made a coffee, spoke to the cat and sat quietly in our great room while my wife caught up on some much-needed sleep.

While mentally planning a perfect day at the lake I clicked the television on, and without any intent, began to watch the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meaghan Markle. I really had no interest, yet I was captivated. Then, as everyone was seated in the cathedral, Bishop Michael Curry began a 15-minute message to the young couple, and to the world.

As he spoke with pure conviction, he reminded all that God must be in, and all around the marriage of this man and this woman. He reminded the world that as a groom takes his bride, so does Jesus take us, the church, as His bride.

He described God’s redemptive power of love, and how each of us can receive that gift and use it to make our world a better place. He spoke this into the hearts of all the royalty, celebritie­s and common folk alike. He absolutely captivated me, and I thought, wow, how perfect, how simple, and how many would actually listen. He had the attention of most of the planet, and I saw how powerful a speaker he is. Just imagine, if you will, how great an influence he must be.

Then it occurred to me that Jesus began by speaking softly to 12. He did not have billions hanging on His every word. Yet, His message was taken, then shared, and has endured for over 2,000 years. One man, Jesus, made the most profound impact on the world, that mankind has ever known. When we accept Christ into our hearts and home, He gifts us with His redemptive power of love. When we share that with another, and another, without the fanfare of mass media, it is just as important to God, as Bishop Curry’s was to the masses.

There is nothing that any of us has ever done, thought or said that cannot be forgiven by God. There is no addiction strong enough to hold God at bay or defeat His love for us. You and I, common everyday people, are just as valuable to God as any royal, celebrity or anyone who may have the ears of the world. We are His children, loved equally, no one better than the next.

Can we make the world a better place?

Of course we can. We just need to listen to the one who truly speaks for you, for me and for the rest of the world, and that would be Jesus.

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