The News (New Glasgow)

Prostate exam not always part of physical

- Keith Roach Readers may email questions to ToYourGood­Health@ or send mail to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 66-year-old male and was a patient of the same doctor for over 30 years. He recently retired. Part of my annual physical for as long as I can remember included a prostate exam. I now have a young, new doctor and at my recent physical, he did not give me a prostate exam. While the exam isn’t something I looked forward to, I’ve always thought that a prostate exam was very important for someone my age. Should I be concerned? — T.A.

ANSWER: The prostate exam remains controvers­ial. Even though the prostate exam is no longer recommende­d by many authoritie­s, I still think you may be right to be concerned.

Prostate cancer is a common condition affecting men in their 60s (it’s very uncommon below age 50), and becomes even more common in the 70s and older. Prostate cancer is a whole spectrum of illness, ranging from very aggressive cancers that spread rapidly, both locally and to the bones, to very indolent cancers that will never cause problems. In general, younger men are more likely to have the rare, aggressive cancers, and older men are more likely to have more indolent cancers. Unfortunat­ely, that doesn’t always hold.

Age 66 is a time when prostate cancer is not uncommon, so it is worthwhile discussing screening for cancer, with a PSA blood test (the prostate physical exam probably adds little to the blood test).

I would have hoped your new doctor would have discussed the benefits and risks of screening, including a discussion on why the manual exam isn’t recommende­d anymore. You should have heard that the PSA test may find cancer, but much of the time, the cancer has a low risk for progressin­g, and is watched carefully rather than treated immediatel­y. This is because treatment of low-risk cancer causes more harm than good. The goal of prostate cancer screening is to find the unusual case of a high-risk prostate cancer, which is treated aggressive­ly. Although the evidence is mixed, I believe that lives can be saved with screening, and if men receive proper counseling about NOT treating low-risk cancer, unnecessar­y procedures can be minimized.

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