The News (New Glasgow)

A return to values is long overdue


To the editor,

I have been reading the letters to the editor about what used to be a local radio station.

I am pleased to see that I am not the only one unhappy with it. The latest titled “The death of a community radio station.”

When I walk around Pictou County I see more than the death of community radio. Some examples are: Maritime Steel, the Marine Forge, Trenton railcar plant (which I believe is criminal to demolish), J.B. MacDonald rink, dozens of small businesses and many churches to name a few.

Now Northern Pulp could join the list. I hope not. And then there is the things government­s give away like N.S. Power, the rail road and Pier C. Next to go is our highways.

When I was young I could not imagine this great country falling. But now I believe since this great country was built on a foundation of Bible principals by mostly Godfearing, Bible-believing, hardworkin­g people. This is a fact I believe any historian worth their salt will not deny.

Now that the Bible is not allowed in schools and the Lord’s Prayer is replaced with yoga, which is a Hindu practice to yoke with Brahma, which is the main god of some 330,000,000 lesser deities.

Christian programs are banned from the local radio, and government­s are passing laws that make it illegal to tell a sinner they are sinning. It is falling. A return to the values that built this country would likely slow the fall.

Benvie Johnson

Pleasant Valley

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