The News (New Glasgow)



I never miss a vote in any election, from municipal to federal. I try to be objective as possible and make it my duty to study government on every level so I can vote on an informed basis. I am not a card-carrying member of any party. As a matter of fact, I hate party politics. I dislike party dogma and wish we could elect independen­t constituen­t representa­tives as they do in one of the northern territorie­s.

The way in which Fred Lays or George Canyon became the Conservati­ve nominee to me is an insult to anyone who believes in democracy. Just think of those who fought and put lots of effort into the campaign to be the Conservati­ve nominee — what a slap in the face. Takes me back to the Mulroney years when Elmer MacKay gave up his seat for Brian Mulroney. I was sucked in for that one, but never again, thank you. I was brought up in a PC family only to have anything good I thought about that party to be destroyed by Peter MacKay, who sold the party out to Stephen Harper.

I am not a Justin Trudeau fan nor the Liberal party but I am supporting Sean Fraser as my only option. He is well versed, highly academical­ly accredited and approachab­le. I am not expecting miracles from Sean, but I know he has the ability and the desire to do good for his constituen­ts.

I have watched televised proceeding­s in the House of Commons and read of them as well, especially when Andrew Scheer was the speaker. If you think Justin Trudeau is not your cup of tea, then you do not want a party led by Andrew Scheer. He made my blood boil on more than one occasion with his rulings as House Speaker. One letter to the editor wrote about levelling the playing field for Canyon. Well, nominating him from national headquarte­rs in my way of thinking put a mountain in front of him.

I know George Canyon and Donald trump are not on the same level, but entertaine­rs do not cut it for me. I have had enough song and dance routines. Art Sinclair Westville

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