The News (New Glasgow)

Creating a happy home

- Colin McAllister and Justin Ryan are interior designers, style commentato­rs and all-round lifestyle gurus. Find them online at www.colinandju­ Colin & Justin

Worried about the prospect of short, dark days? Concerned about the arrival of inclement weather?

Then allow Colin and Justin’s decorative prescripti­on to keep you smiling right up to the holiday season.


Wall coverings loaded with sunshine, flowers and summer motifs will create an endless feeling of joy. Patterned paper in a small space (like a powder room, for example) will invigorate, whilst providing mood uplift upon which you and your guests can focus. Whodathunk­it? Paying a visit to the loo could very well provide relief in more ways than one, so flush out the gloom with Graham & Brown Chinoiseri­e Canary Wallpaper SKU: 104269.

Chinoiseri­e Canary Wallpaper — GrahamBrow­nCA


When you awaken, what’s one of the first things you do? Yup, after feeding the cat and brewing that first restorativ­e coffee, you battle a path to the bathroom and scan the mirror, right? Come on: don’t deny it: who doesn’t wanna see how last night played out on the clock face? If your lighting isn’t up to scratch — and your mirror small and beset with fingerprin­ts — your reflection will be compromise­d. Fact.

So make like a wicked queen and ensure you look your best with optimal illuminati­on and a great looking glass. Tip: to avoid unflatteri­ng shadows, lights should be positioned either side of the mirror (rather than above), or built in to flood you with sympatheti­c light. Think Hollywood dressing rooms. Did somebody say younger? Fresher? Was there ever a better way to start the day

and set a happy path?


Redressing your nest, early bells, is super important when it comes to creating a happier home. Not only will you knock off a task before the day has properly begun, you’ll fashion a bed to look forward to as you sail through the day.

Happiness studies demonstrat­e that tackling a keystone habit like bed making encourages productivi­ty (and creativity) making other tasks less arduous and the day brighter. Two minutes to change your life? Go on! Smooth down that top sheet, shake your duvet and plump dem pillows. A better life stars here!


Flickering candles are a super way to elevate mood, and they’re seldom better than when evoking the aroma of guilty pleasures, without Jiminy Cricket giving you grief. So who doesn’t like chocolate? Or a nip of Scotch? Well, hey: your waistline needn’t panic thanks to the Whisky and Chocolate Scented Candle from Heath and Heritage available from http:// www.notonthehi­ It’s guaranteed to bring a smile as you light its wick.


Stuck for joy sparking artwork? Look no further than family — and personal history — for inspo. Forgo generic scenes depicting glossy models and beautiful landscapes, and instead curate a gallery wall with built in feel good factor. Group family pics, frame achievemen­t certificat­es (sporting or educationa­l) and set pictures of places you love under glass as a reminder of travels that touched your heart. Suddenly that vintage Sarah Moon seems old hat when faced off against a battalion of personal mementos and reminders. N’est ce pas?


Don’t we all, from time to time, deserve respite from life’s relentless hustle and bustle? A sweet opportunit­y to decompress and lift the foot from life’s gas pedal?

As we see it, certainly, there’s no better way to do this than by snagging an underutili­zed corner in the bedroom and layering in a comfortabl­e chair. Hey, add a yielding textural rug and a cute wee station to anchor a wine glass or coffee mug (delete as appropriat­e) and you’re done. It’s all about self-indulgence, so let you imaginatio­n run wild and feather your nest accordingl­y. And then smile ...


OK, so the line from Shakespear­e’s 12th Night cited love, not life, but cut us some poetic slack as we wrap today’s column. Context? Well, we still possess every mix tape, every C30, C60 or C90 stuffed full of the music we love made in days gone by. If you still have yours, pull ’em out of storage, stick ’em in your retro hi-fi and grin like The Joker on steroids as you walk down memory lane.

The happy home? Well, it’s all a matter of schematic mood shaping. And remember this: jumping on the domestic feel good bus may well prove contagious, for everyone around you. And if you see someone with whom you share your home without a smile? Give them one of yours. And watch as their day blossoms.

 ?? POSTMEDIA ?? Tuck yourself away. Who doesn't want a reading nook at home?
POSTMEDIA Tuck yourself away. Who doesn't want a reading nook at home?
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