The News (New Glasgow)

Remember and move forward

- Lauretta Balderston Lauretta Balderston is a freelance writer and contributo­r to Faith for Today.

“His words come back when I look at a young sapling needing more sun because all the trees around are blocking its path and giving too much shade.”

My father was known by all in town as Big Larry. He was well over six feet tall and when he shook hands with you it was a real handshake. He worked hard, and it seemed to me as a little girl that he was always working. On the rare occasion that he was home on a Saturday we would go walking through the woods, rain or shine. Those were special moments and left me with such great memories to draw upon when my heart needs a little pick-me-up or I need a reminder that part of him still lives on in me.

His words come back when I look at a young sapling needing more sun because all the trees around are blocking its path and giving too much shade. I hear his sound advice on how to mark my steps so I will easily find my way and not go too far from the right path.

“Always keep looking at landmarks and pay attention to where you are so you will know your way back and never get lost, even in what should be familiar areas.”

Mostly, I remember that when the wind and or rain was hitting my face he would tell me to “walk in my footsteps and keep close behind me. I will be your shelter together we will get home safe.”

He was Big Larry, a strong man with an even stronger work ethic, but to me he was daddy — caring and protecting me always. When he was around, I felt safe all the time!

This is Advent season in the church. Our Heavenly Father desires us to feel safe and protected all the time. He has given us a road map, the Bible, already marked to help us stay on the right path. When we stray away or wander off for whatever reason, He gently calls us back and tells us to walk in His footsteps. He will lead us along. He will provide shelter from any winds that blow, or any rains that might cause us distress. We need not fear. He will never leave us alone or let us flounder. “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulne­ss will be your shield and rampart.” Psalm 91:4 (NIV) Abba, our Father in heaven, is our best friend, shield, protector, guide and strength along this journey of life. As the Advent season begins may we allow memories of what we know from the lessons learned in Sunday school, from past Advent seasons and from experience­s we have had, good and not so good, to wash over us and keep us close to the One who knows all about us and loves us more than we could ever imagine! When we place our weak, small hands and little faith in God’s big, strong hands, we will know we are safe — for always!

Psalm 19:105 assures us that “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” (NIV)

Lead on, Father! We are willing!

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