The News (New Glasgow)

One mom’s goal of supporting women in Pictou County

- SARAH JORDAN THE NEWS sarah.jordan

NEW GLASGOW - Bryden Bonvie just had her third child in 2021 and was looking for a way to help other moms in her community in a relatable, judgement-free way. So, she started The Mom Blog.

The Mom Blog is a Facebook page where Bonvie makes frequent posts about relatable motherhood moments.

From the satisfacti­on of the batteries dying in an annoying toy to the sound of vacuuming up all the crumbs on the floor after a particular­ly messy snack time. The idea caught on, and Bonvie soon had a following.

What started as a lightheart­ed outlet, turned into a support system.

“I just really wanted to be able to be that person for moms,” Bonvie said. “A couple of ladies that I knew personally were having a rough go, it was nice to be seen as a safe space."

Bonvie is a source for adult conversati­on for moms who may not have anyone to talk to throughout their day.

Being a busy mom of three herself, Bonvie admits that, sometimes, it can get hectic, but since her youngest started daycare, it’s easier for her to make the page, and the people interactin­g with it, a priority.

“I'll do business hours to answer people. I do have an automated message that if you message me after a certain time, it does just come up and say, “I'm not available but if it's an emergency, keep messaging,” Bonvie said.

Her goal is to create a judgment-free zone, where moms from all background­s can come together to support one another

“This is a zero-judgment zone. That is one of my biggest things,” she said.

Things like that are bound to happen, especially in a small town where everyone knows everyone, she noted. However, Bonvie has only had a few instances where she’s had to delete negative comments and remind people about her zerotolera­nce policy for judgment and drama.


For a period of time, Bonvie did not have the time to keep up with regular posts on The Mom Blog, but now she’s back and has big plans.

Bonvie recently announced on The Mom Blog that she will be hosting a Ladies Night.

“It's just for women, there will be food and music, people can dress up or you can wear your pyjamas if you want and just have fun.”

Kourtney Jones of Kourtney Jones Photograph­y and Marlee MacNaughto­n of HBK Bows have been huge supporters of Bonvie and are co-hosting the event.

“We all have young kiddos, and everyone is well aware that motherhood isn't a walk in the park. Fun nights out are too often put on the back burner. We thought a Ladies Night was the perfect event for Pictou County,” MacNaughto­n said.

The event isn’t just for moms, any and all women of Pictou County are welcome.

MacNaughto­n expressed her gratitude for Bonvie and what she has been doing.

“The Mom Blog that Bryden has started is such a breath of fresh air. She is so sweet, and quirky, and so relatable. She featured HBK in one of her earlier blog posts, and it warmed my heart to hear such kind words about myself.”

The Pictou County Wellness Centre graciously donated space for the Ladies Night and Gene Mills of Foxy Entertainm­ent will be the DJ. Final Touch Party Rentals is donating décor for the event, and multiple local businesses have made donations to a basket raffle at the event.

Ladies Night will take place June 17.

Tickets are $20 and can be purchased by contacting Bonvie through The Mom Blog Facebook page or by calling 902-754-1260.

 ?? ?? Ladies Night event will be held at the Pictou County Wellness Centre on June 17. Tickets are $20.
Ladies Night event will be held at the Pictou County Wellness Centre on June 17. Tickets are $20.
 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTOS ?? Bryden Bonvie, author of The Mom Blog, and her three children.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTOS Bryden Bonvie, author of The Mom Blog, and her three children.

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