The News (New Glasgow)

Could cloud seeding be a solution to extinguish wildfires?

- ALLISTER AALDERS @allisterca­nada Allister Aalders is a weather specialist for SaltWire.

We have all watched the wildfire situation closely for the last few days, hoping and praying that rain, which is finally in the forecast, would help crews fight the blazes.

But I have received nearly half a dozen questions about cloud seeding and if the practice would be beneficial to provide the rain we’ve been desperatel­y looking for.


Cloud seeding is a form of weather modificati­on occurring around the world. Substances are used as ice nuclei in rain or snow-producing clouds to increase precipitat­ion falling from clouds.

It’s uses also include attempts to suppress hail and clear fog.


Silver iodide is often used as the seeding agent for cloud seeding.

Planes fly into the cloud area and disperse the silver iodide, which aids in the formation of ice crystals that become large enough to fall to the ground as rain or snow.


Weather modificati­on experiment­s have been happening in Canada since 1948, according to The Canadian Encycloped­ia. Most modernday cloud seeding efforts are linked to scientific studies and experiment­s.


Experts say the concentrat­ion of silver iodide often used for cloud seeding is far below acceptable limits and not harmful. Still, they also have concerns that cloud seeding on a larger scale worldwide could create environmen­tal problems, especially for water resources.

Cloud seeding has also been linked to unsubstant­iated claims that government­s and other agencies are producing chemical condensati­on trails, or chemtrails, to negatively impact humans and control the weather to push so-called climate agendas.

As I mentioned, those claims are unsupporte­d.

Could cloud seeding help with wildfires?

If cloud seeding can increase precipitat­ion amounts, it might seem like a nobrainer to use in situations like wildfires to provide rainfall relief, but it’s not that simple.

Cloud seeding is not used to create clouds, so existing rain-producing clouds are necessary near or over wildfires, which hasn’t been the case in Nova Scotia.

As I mentioned, there are some concerns about the environmen­tal impacts of widespread seeding.

Despite some successes, evidence about cloud seeding’s effectiven­ess is mixed at best.

Could it help with wildfire or drought situations down the line? Possibly. But much more research and experiment­ation are needed.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? One of eight aircraft from New Brunswick, dwarfed by the smoke, disperses a mix of water and fire retardant during a pass over the Barrington Lake fire in Shelburne County.
CONTRIBUTE­D One of eight aircraft from New Brunswick, dwarfed by the smoke, disperses a mix of water and fire retardant during a pass over the Barrington Lake fire in Shelburne County.
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