The News (New Glasgow)

Town of Pictou calls for submission for legacy art piece

- SARAH JORDAN THE NEWS sarah.jordan

PICTOU - The Pictou 2023 committee is seeking proposals for a public art piece to be unveiled on the Pictou waterfront in September of 2023.

This art piece is in recognitio­n of the 150th anniversar­y of the incorporat­ion of the Town of Pictou, and the 250th anniversar­y of the landing of the Ship Hector.

The call for submission­s invites artists from all background­s to submit their creative ideas for a legacy art piece that represents the Town's relationsh­ip with water, how it has shaped the community, and how it has helped build meaningful connection­s.

“It will have a strong indigenous component to it and our relationsh­ips with First Nations,” says Michelle Young, Pictou community developmen­t officer.

A secondary theme may explore how the various community groups are all connected.

The piece will be displayed on the Pictou Waterfront and therefore will be exposed to the elements.

“The medium really is up to the artists who will submit. So really, it's open to anything,” Young said.

The unveiling event on Sept. 30 will be around the Hector Quay Visitors Marina, but due to constructi­on, the piece will need to be moveable.

“It's wonderful working with our community and Pictou Landing First Nation on the project. It's really, something that we're going to be proud of and will be here for years to come,” Young added.

Submission­s for the art piece are open until June 22.

More informatio­n about the applicatio­n process and logistics can be found on website and by following the Call for Submission­s link.

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