The News (New Glasgow)

Hard work pays off

NSCC Pictou Campus celebrates more than 200 graduates


NEW GLASGOW More than 200 graduates from Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) Pictou Campus took part in their convocatio­n ceremony, on June 8, at the Pictou County Wellness Centre (PCWC).

Friends and families from across the county, province and Maritimes gathered to celebrate the hard work of the graduating students.

The ceremony began with Carl Thomas performing a Mi'kmaq Honour Song which was followed by Erika Sloan with the singing of O Canada.

Maxine Mann, Pictou Campus principal, greeted the crowd and provided welcoming remarks which were followed by NSCC President Don Bureaux addressing the students, faculty and crowd of supporters.

“Convocatio­n is the high point of our academic year – it's a celebratio­n of student success and all the moments that led them to this day,” Bureaux said. “It's an honour to be part of this important milestone in each graduate's journey as they get set to embark on their next chapter.”

Bureaux made a point of exchanging a few words of congratula­tions and best wishes with each student as they accepted their diplomas.

Following the presentati­ons, five special awards were handed out for graduate achievemen­t on the year. The awards included: the Board of Governors' Award to Jesse Graham (truck and transport repair diploma); the NSCC Gold Medal Award to Megan Manuel Murphy (office administra­tion certificat­e); the President's Award to Jacob Hausman (cabinetmak­ing certificat­e); NSCC Alumni Award to Josie Reynolds (business administra­tion diploma); and the Governor General's Academic Medal to Kassi Brightman (business administra­tion - accounting diploma).

“It feels amazing but I wouldn't be here without my classmates,” said Brightman, who is from Pictou.

“I would attribute my success to my friends and the people who helped me to get here (graduation day). So this award is for them.”

As for what will stand out for her from her two years at the NSCC, she talked about having to first maneuver around COVID and then “growing” as an individual.

“I came from university; I was doing a science degree and I didn't like it. And so coming here and being at NSCC made me realize that this is where I'm meant to be … in business,” she said, adding her time “exceeded” her expectatio­ns.

Manuel Murphy also talked about the experience rising above her expectatio­ns.

“Definitely, the support of my teachers and classmates and everybody at the school … they really wanted everybody to achieve their best,” she said while reflecting on her time.

She talked about her decision to attend the Pictou campus.

“I have a two-and-a-halfyear-old daughter and my family’s from here, so I wanted to be close to them and have that for my daughter,” she said.

The Grads were left with the valedictor­ian speech by Pictou’s Andrew Johnson who became a multiple graduate of the school on the day, this time in the cabinetmak­ing program.

He joked that today was his “third and a half NSCC graduation,” but none of them compared to graduating in his hometown.

“Everyone has a story and for this brief moment in time we’re here on this same page,” Johnson told his fellow graduates in a speech about shared experience, growth, and confidence. “Every single graduate shares the burning desire to grow, to be a better version of ourselves.”

“It was awesome to be here and be the chosen voice of everyone graduating today,” Johnson said following the ceremony while attending a reception held in the adjoining rink at the PCWC and presented by the NSCC Alumni Relations.

The reception featured photos as well as plenty of smiles, and hugs signaling accomplish­ment that lasted well into the afternoon, and to be remembered for a lifetime.

 ?? RICHARD MACKENZIE PHOTOS ?? Certificat­e in continuing care graduate Aylin Cikla, from New Glasgow, leads a procession line out of the Sobey Arena following the NSCC Pictou Campus Convocatio­n on June 8 at the Pictou County Wellness Centre.
RICHARD MACKENZIE PHOTOS Certificat­e in continuing care graduate Aylin Cikla, from New Glasgow, leads a procession line out of the Sobey Arena following the NSCC Pictou Campus Convocatio­n on June 8 at the Pictou County Wellness Centre.
 ?? ?? Megan Manuel Murphy was awarded the NSCC Gold Medal which goes to a graduating student who has achieved the highest academic standing. The New Glasgow resident graduated with honours from the office administra­tion program.
Megan Manuel Murphy was awarded the NSCC Gold Medal which goes to a graduating student who has achieved the highest academic standing. The New Glasgow resident graduated with honours from the office administra­tion program.
 ?? ?? Pictou’s Andrew Johnson gave the valedictor­ian speech.
Pictou’s Andrew Johnson gave the valedictor­ian speech.
 ?? RICHARD MACKENZIE ?? Melanie Gammon from Lower South River makes her way to the stage followed by her fellow graduates in automotive service and repair.
RICHARD MACKENZIE Melanie Gammon from Lower South River makes her way to the stage followed by her fellow graduates in automotive service and repair.

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