The Niagara Falls Review

Three female leaders inheriting a political mess


Three of Canada’s six female political leaders are in the midst of the fight of their political lives. In each case, they inherited a political legacy on the brink of collapse, with little room to navigate out of the mess left by their male predecesso­rs.

The trend to elect women into leadership positions when the prospects of success are slim is neither new nor uniquely Canadian. British psychologi­sts Michelle Ryan and Alex Haslam refer to this as the “glass cliff ” theory.

Essentiall­y, women are tapped to lead as a last ditch effort.

Within Canada’s current political landscape, Premier Kathy Dunderdale of Newfoundla­nd and Labrador is the exception. Unlike her female counterpar­ts across the country, Dunderdale’s predecesso­r, Danny Williams, handed over both the party leadership and the premier’s office while the party’s electoral prospects were still strong.

The narrative is very different for British Columbia’s Christy Clark, Ontario’s Kathleen Wynne and Alberta’s Alison Redford, all of whom inherited the equivalent of a political straight jacket.

Each of these three premiers are at the helm of a party that was struggling in the polls from previous leaders who had lost the confidence of their respective electorate­s.

While the election of Wynne to lead the Ontario Liberals has, for now, slowed the erosion of support for the minority government, the jury is still out as to whether she can lead her party to victory in the next provincial election.

Wynne took over as premier with the province facing a $12-billion deficit, hostile relations with the public school teachers and lingering questions from the Opposition and Ontarians about the true costs for the cancellati­on of two power plants announced during the 2011 provincial election.

British Columbia’s Christy Clark has bounced from one crisis to another since she assumed the leadership of the Liberal Party after the once popular Gordon Campbell’s forced resignatio­n in March 2011.

The latest scandal to engulf her premiershi­p has resulted in yet another resignatio­n of a senior advisor and a cabinet minister. While the content of the party’s leaked multicultu­ral outreach strategy has angered the very voters it was intended to woo, it’s Clark’s handling of the debacle that is angering her caucus.

The leak comes just months before a much anticipate­d May election, and voters are becoming weary of the scandal-prone premier.

Alberta’s Alison Redford defied the odds to win re-election and prolong Alberta’s four decades-old Progressiv­e Conservati­ve political dynasty.

True, she beat another female, the strong and articulate Danielle Smith who leads the upstart Wildrose Party. But Redford is not out of the woods yet.

She faces a mandatory party leadership review in the fall.

She is under tremendous budget pressures in the face of declining commodity prices for the province’s vast natural resources. Two polls published this week highlight Alberta voters growing distrust of her leadership.

According to Alice Fenke, publisher of Pundits’ Guide: “Women don’t get party leadership until it’s much harder work in order to win.” This sentiment is echoed by Nancy Peckford, Executive Director of Equal Voice Canada, a national, multi-partisan organizati­on committed to getting more women elected to political office.

More often than not, the choice of a female leader at the eleventh hour is an attempt by parties to present themselves in a new light to voters.

Canada’s former prime minister Kim Campbell’s fourmonth tenure shows that voters don’t care about gender, just competence.

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