The Niagara Falls Review

Trudeau’s ISIL tightrope act

PM’s stance gets more tricky following Iraq offensive


OTTAWA — Justin Trudeau has a line in the sand when it comes to Canada’s involvemen­t in the war against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

The prime minister’s biggest fear is that the country — and the West as a whole — will get dragged even further into the seemingly intractabl­e military and sectarian cauldrons of Iraq and Syria.

But whether Trudeau will be able to stand by his campaign commitment to refocus Canada’s role in the war- torn region is an open question in the aftermath of this week’s major ISIL offensive.

“What I’ve said I’m concerned about, from the very beginning, is anything that leads towards active engagement by the West and boots on the ground,” Trudeau said in a year- end interview this week with The Canadian Press.

“And I think that’s something — whether it’s Libya, whether it’s the previous Iraq conflicts — we know doesn’t necessaril­y lead to the kind of long-term, positive outcomes that people would hope for and would justify the human cost of engaging in that way.”

At first blush, from a broad policy perspectiv­e, his position is not much different than that of the Obama administra­tion in the U.S. — or even Trudeau’s own predecesso­r, Stephen Harper.

Since I SIL roared out of obscuri t y and across the deserts of eastern Syria and northern I r aq almost t wo years ago, the message from the U. S., Canada and other allies has been consistent : Mi l i - tary action? Yes. Boots on the ground? No.

Even Haider al-Abadi, Iraq’s beleaguere­d prime minister, has repeatedly made clear he doesn’t want western troops fighting his war and would prefer to eject ISIL himself — or at least in tandem with Iranian- sponsored Shiite militias.

Trudeau has pledged a more robust training presence in Iraq, but where he differs substantia­lly from his predecesso­r is in the plan to end the air force’s role in the U. S.- led coalition bombing campaign.

He insists Canada will still be a “substantia­l military contributo­r to the military efforts against ISIL,” but his government’s inability to define and articulate what that will look like carries a mounting political cost for the Liberals.

And ISIL continued to surprise this week by launching a major convention­al military offensive in northern Iraq that saw Canadian special forces and CF-18s engaged in ground combat and bombing to blunt the extremist attack.

What Trudeau seems to be pining f or i s something the internatio­nal community has failed to deliver and no one is talking about: a long-term strategy for the region that looks beyond the bombing.


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