The Niagara Falls Review

A typical day on the road

- Smackdown Live Monday Night Raw, Amazing Race, The Smackdown



This week on Twitter, @leabynatur­e asked me what it’s like working for WWE on a typical day.

It’s anything but typical. It’s more like a whirlwind. Picture the Tasmanian Devil from Bugs Bunny fame, if you will.

But it’s also glorious. (Stolen, Bobby Roode!)

At home, viewers may watch us perform on or

but that’s just a tiny glimpse into the work that goes into getting those few minutes of TV time. No one day is ever the same, which is probably the most exciting part of working in WWE.

Any given day can be spent catching multiple flights, followed by driving hundreds of kilometres, which comes after tracking down luggage, renting a car, driving, finding a gym, food, spray tan, fighting through traffic, finding the arena ... well, you get the drift (insert tear emoji here!) Honestly, it’s like starring in

a magical mystery tour to get from point A (my home) to point Z (live on in front of a sold-out out crowd).

To quote Forrest Gump, who would have made a great WWE manager, “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get!” That certainly applies to life on the road with WWE. When you travel some 280 or so days a year, in a different town or city every day, you never know where you’ll find yourself. Sometimes it’s a five-star restaurant for dinner, other times dinner is at a gas station. Sunflower seeds, anyone?!

And all of that is just to get to the arena.

Upon arrival, I work my way through fans outside arenas where we park our cars (I know my character is currently a villain, but it’s hard not to show appreciati­on to loyal fans with a few pics, hugs and autographs) and into the locker room to prepare for my match.

A few hours before show time and despite the fact that I’ve done this for a decade, I still can’t believe I’m performing. I can’t eat ... just my “pre-match” banana for luck. I’m almost in denial as I’m putting on my makeup and doing my hair, pretending I’m J-Lo. Before I know it, it’s almost match time. I have to drop kick Nikki Bella! (Sorry, John Cena … not sorry!)

Confession: I still get stage fright every single time before I walk out into an arena full of people. (Oh, lord, will TMZ make a story out of this?) The moment of truth comes ... my music hits and it’s time to make my way to the ring.

My mind races as I prepare to enter the packed arena. Do they know my name? Are my wrestling boots on? Will a hair extension fall out?! (Yes, I do wear those... shhh). Wait ... how the heck am I going to tame my opponent? OK, OK, that part is easy: All roads lead to the Sharpshoot­er.

My fright turns to ferocity the second I hit that ring. There, I’m all business. Performing is a total rush. It’s hard to even sleep after we compete because the feeling you get performing in front of a live crowd cannot be explained. It’s like the rush of 100 roller coaster rides combined with your first kiss with your soulmate.

Like I said, there are no typical days in WWE. One day you’re boarding two flights and driving 200 km to a live show, the next you’re meeting the Muppets, Hugh Jackman or Betty White.

Then, there are special days when you meet incredibly inspiring children fighting for their lives, battling cancer, like my new friend, Chase, in Nashville. I’m rooting for you, Chase.

In the words of one of my favorite authors, Randy Pausch, “When we’re connected to others, we become better people.” That I know to be true. That’s what makes every day on the road so worthwhile. Tweet your questions to @NatbyNatur­e using the #asknattie

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