The Niagara Falls Review

Calls to resign rejected

Questions about panel’s independen­ce arise after chairman meets with secret source


WASHINGTON — House intelligen­ce chairman Devin Nunes rebuffed calls to step aside from the Russia investigat­ion Tuesday as demands grew for him to recuse himself as head of that probe.

“Why would I?” Nunes said. The calls for him to resign came after revelation­s about his meeting with a secret source on White House grounds raised questions about his and the panel’s independen­ce.

Nunes said the pressure for him to resign was typical politics.

“It’s the same thing as always around this place — a lot of politics, people get heated, but I’m not going to involve myself with that,” he said.

House Speaker Paul Ryan continued to express confidence in Nunes Tuesday, saying there is no need for the chairman to resign.

Nunes acknowledg­ed Monday that he reviewed intelligen­ce reports at the White House complex and met a secret source behind his statement that communicat­ions involving associates of U.S. President Donald Trump were caught up in “incidental” surveillan­ce.

The Republican congressma­n’s disclosure prompted the top Democrat on the committee, Rep. Adam Schiff, as well as the Democratic leaders in the House and Senate, to call on Nunes to recuse himself from the committee’s Russia probe. Schiff said Nunes’ connection­s to the White House have raised insurmount­able public doubts about whether the committee can credibly investigat­e the president’s campaign associates.

“I believe the public cannot have the necessary confidence that matters involving the president’s campaign or transition team can be objectivel­y investigat­ed or overseen by the chairman,” Schiff said in a statement Monday.

After reviewing the informatio­n last week, Nunes called a news conference to announce that U.S. spy agencies may have inadverten­tly captured Trump and his associates in the routine targeting of foreigners’ communicat­ions. Trump quickly seized on the statements as at least partial vindicatio­n for his assertion that former president Barack Obama tapped his phones at Trump Tower — though Nunes, Schiff and FBI Director James Comey have said there is no such evidence.

Nunes has denied co-ordinating with the president or his aides.

But Democratic Rep. Jackie Speier, a member of the committee, said Tuesday that Nunes should step down “in the interest of our integrity.” She said his actions raise questions about whether the panel’s investigat­ion can be unbiased and independen­t.

“If you become a White House whisperer, you are not independen­t,” she said on CNN.

The Senate intelligen­ce committee is conducting an investigat­ion into Russia’s interferen­ce in the election and possible ties with the Trump campaign. On Monday, it announced that Trump’s son-inlaw, Jared Kushner, has agreed to be interviewe­d.

Kushner is the fourth Trump associate to offer to be interviewe­d by the congressio­nal committees looking into the murky Russia ties. Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, adviser Carter Page and associate Roger Stone last week volunteere­d to speak as well.

Meanwhile, Russian state bank Vneshecono­mbank says it met with Kushner as part of a series of meetings on future business strategies last year, as part of discussion­s with representa­tives of leading financial institutio­ns in Europe, Asia and the U.S.

Besides the two congressio­nal committees, the FBI is also investigat­ing connection­s between the Trump campaign and Russia.

 ?? J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? House Intelligen­ce Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif is pursued by reporters as he arrives for a weekly meeting of the Republican Conference with House Speaker Paul Ryan and the GOP leadership on Tuesday.
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS House Intelligen­ce Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif is pursued by reporters as he arrives for a weekly meeting of the Republican Conference with House Speaker Paul Ryan and the GOP leadership on Tuesday.

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