The Niagara Falls Review

Syrian game changes, but still has risks


In the past few days, the U.S. approach to dealing with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has taken a turn. The Americans are now talking “regime change” and America’s allies, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, will need to grapple with the potential implicatio­ns.

“Regime change” are words Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, used to describe the Trump administra­tion’s No. 2 goal. The first is defeating Islamic State.

Haley didn’t explain whether Goal No. 2 is a U.S. aspiration, something the Americans hope will come to pass or it’s something they’ll actively push for. On the other hand, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told CBS on the weekend, “Our priority (on removing Assad) really hasn’t changed.”

Despite that ambiguity, Canada and the rest of the G7 meet this week to discuss options moving forward.

Clearly, we’re all on the same page when it comes to fighting ISIS. Similarly, we all support an end to the ongoing bloody civil war in Syria that has caused untold suffering and created the Syrian refugee crisis.

Trudeau this week afforded his full support for the air strikes launched against the Syrian government airfield last Thursday evening. That was a targeted, one-off attack, though. It wasn’t part of a broader campaign.

Who replaces Assad? Will that open or close a door for ISIS? Could further unrest lead to renewed refugee problems?”

We agree Assad shouldn’t be in power. A leader who uses chemical weapons against civilians and has a track record of murder and human rights abuses against his own people is no leader.

He should step down — but won’t, having previously ignored such calls.

At the same time the U.S. and its allies, including Canada, need to proceed cautiously in removing Assad. That also comes with risks.

Who replaces Assad? Will that open or close a door for ISIS? Could further unrest lead to renewed refugee problems?

George W. Bush’s regime change plans turned into a fiasco in Iraq, and Syria could easily go wrong.

Canadians are proud of their country’s contributi­on in Afghanista­n. We have a role to play in helping bring peace to the many troubled places in this world.

But peace in Syria won’t come without cost or effort, and we must get it right. — Postmedia News

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