The Niagara Falls Review

Out of nothing, nothing comes

- Herman Hunter Niagara Falls

In David Fowler’s letter of April 5 he suggests that not only can something spontaneou­sly form out of nothing, but in fact it must do so.

One of the oldest principles of rational philosophy is “ex nihilo nihil fit.” Out of nothing, nothing comes. Even when scientists attribute instrument­al power to chance they have left the realm of reason, they have left the domain of science. They have turned to pulling rabbits out of hats.

Physicist and evolutioni­st Paul Davies says: “We now know that the secret of life lies not with chemical ingredient­s as such, but with the logical structure and organizati­onal arrangemen­t of the molecules … Like a supercompu­ter, life is an informatio­n processing system … It is the software of the living cell that is the real mystery, not the hardware.”

But he does nothing to solve this mystery. Instead he continues, “How did stupid atoms spontaneou­sly write their own software?”

He answers, “Nobody knows …” and admits, “there is no known law of physics able to create informatio­n from nothing.”

Mr. Fowler references his thinking to a book by Lawrence Krause, A Universe from Nothing – Why There is Something Rather Than Nothing.

The book title shows an abandonmen­t of logic and is pure nonsense. It is absurd.

Even the great Richard Dawkins, the world’s best known champion of both atheism and its intellectu­al underpinni­ng, particles-to-people evolution said that he offers no explanatio­n for what kick-started life in the first place and that to him it is a complete mystery.

Maybe Mr. Fowler and Mr. Krause should read the books, Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels and The Greatest Hoax on Earth: Refuting Dawkins on Evolution.

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