The Niagara Falls Review

‘Lies, plain and simple’

Fired FBI director says he was concerned Trump would lie about nature of meeting


WASHINGTON — Former FBI Director James Comey accused the Trump administra­tion Thursday of spreading “lies, plain and simple” about him and the FBI in the aftermath of his abrupt firing, in dramatic testimony that threatened to undermine U.S. President Donald Trump’s presidency.

As he opened his much anticipate­d first public telling of his relationsh­ip with Trump, Comey disputed the Trump administra­tion’s justificat­ion for his firing last month, declaring that the administra­tion “defamed him and more importantl­y the FBI” by claiming the bureau was in disorder under his leadership. And in testimony that exposed deep distrust between the president and the veteran lawman, Comey described intense discomfort about their one-on-one conversati­ons, saying he decided he immediatel­y needed to document the discussion­s in memos.

“I was honestly concerned that he might lie about the nature of our meeting, so I thought it really important to document,” Comey said. “I knew there might come a day when I might need a record of what happened not only to defend myself but to protect the FBI.”

He immediatel­y dove into the heart of the fraught political controvers­y around his firing and whether Trump interfered in the bureau’s Russia investigat­ion, as he elaborated on written testimony delivered Wednesday. In that testimony he had already disclosed that Trump demanded his “loyalty” and directly pushed him to “lift the cloud” of investigat­ion by declaring publicly the president was not the target of the FBI probe into his campaign’s Russia ties.

Comey also said in his written testimony that Trump, in a strange private encounter in the Oval Office, pushed him to end his investigat­ion into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

The Senate intelligen­ce committee chairman, Richard Burr of North Carolina, asked Comey the key question about that encounter: “Do you sense that the president was trying to obstruct justice, or just seek a way for Mike Flynn to save face, given he had already been fired?”

“I don’t think it’s for me to say whether the conversati­on I had with the president was an effort to obstruct,” Comey replied. “I took it as a very disturbing thing, very concerning. But that’s a conclusion I’m sure the special counsel will work towards to try and understand what the intention was there and whether that’s an offence.”

Later, in a startling disclosure, Comey revealed that after his firing he had tried to spur the appointmen­t of a special counsel by giving one of his memos about Trump to a friend of his to leak to the press.

“My judgment was I need to get that out into the public square,” Comey said.

The Republican National Committee and other White House allies worked feverishly to lessen any damage from the hearing, trying to undermine Comey’s credibilit­y by issuing press releases and even ads pointing to a past instance where the FBI had had to clean up the director’s testimony to Congress. Republican­s and Trump’s own lawyer seized on Comey’s confirmati­on, in his written testimony, of Trump’s claim that Comey had told him three times the president was not directly under investigat­ion.

But it was a Democrat, Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, who asked the question that many Republican­s have raised in the weeks since Comey’s firing as one media leak followed another revealing Comey’s claims about Trump’s inappropri­ate interactio­ns with him.

Raising the Oval Office meeting where Comey says Trump asked him to pull back the Flynn probe, Feinstein asked: “Why didn’t you stop and say, ‘Mr. President, this is wrong?’ ”

“That’s a great question,” Comey said. “Maybe if I were stronger I would have. I was so stunned by the conversati­on I just took it in.”

Comey was also asked if he believed he was fired because of the bureau’s investigat­ion into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election as well as Russia’s ties with Trump’s campaign.

“Yes,” Comey said. “Because I’ve seen the president say so.”

The hearing unfolded amid intense political interest, and within a remarkable political context as Comey delivered damaging testimony about the president who fired him, a president who won election only after Comey damaged his opponent, Hillary Clinton, in the final days of the campaign. Clinton has blamed Comey’s Oct. 28 announceme­nt that he was re-opening the e-mail investigat­ion for her defeat.

Under questionin­g Thursday, Comey strongly asserted the intelligen­ce community’s conclusion that Russia did indeed meddle in the 2016 election.

“There should be no fuzz on this. The Russians interfered,” Comey stated firmly. “That happened. It’s about as unfake as you can possibly get.”

Trump has begrudging­ly accepted the U.S. intelligen­ce assessment that Russia interfered with the election. But he has also suggested he doesn’t believe it, saying Russia is a “ruse” and calling the investigat­ion into the matter a “witch hunt.”

 ?? ANDREW HARNIK/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Former FBI director James Comey pauses during his testimony during a Senate intelligen­ce committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington on Thursday.
ANDREW HARNIK/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Former FBI director James Comey pauses during his testimony during a Senate intelligen­ce committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington on Thursday.

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