The Niagara Falls Review

Official denies allegation­s of torture, rape


VANCOUVER — Sri Lanka’s defence secretary denied that his country committed torture and rape of suspected rebels, as charged by more than 50 men of the island’s Tamil ethnic minority who are seeking political asylum in Europe.

Kapila Waidyaratn­e called the claims of abuses “baseless and unfounded.”

“The government of Sri Lanka is for zero tolerance with regard to sexual abuse and so on,” Waidyaratn­e told The Associated Press as he attended the UN Peacekeepi­ng Defence Ministeria­l conference in Vancouver.

The allegation­s came in a Nov. 8 report by the AP on the asylum seekers and their claims of being abducted and tortured by Sri Lanka’s current government. The Tamils said they were raped, branded or beaten repeatedly.

The AP reviewed 32 medical and psychologi­cal evaluation­s and interviewe­d 20 men.

A U.S. State Department spokespers­on said they are concerned by the allegation­s against Sri Lanka’s security services.

“The United States condemns torture, rape, and sexual violence anywhere in the world. We welcome the Sri Lankan government’s commitment to investigat­e these allegation­s, and to seek accountabi­lity for all those responsibl­e for such abuses without delay,” the official said.

The Internatio­nal Truth and Justice Project — Sri Lanka, which has alleged human rights violations in Sri Lanka, said it was impossible to believe the government had credibly investigat­ed the claims in a week.

“It is precisely this cavalier approach to the justice process that leads victims to reject any domestic processes in Sri Lanka, as it frankly cannot be trusted,” said the organizati­on’s executive director, Yasmin Sooka.

The men said they were accused of trying to revive a rebel group, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam or Tamil Tigers, which was on the losing side of Sri Lanka’s civil war. Fighting ended eight years ago, but the torture and abuse occurred from early 2016 to as recently as this past July, the men said.

Doctors, psychologi­sts, lawmakers and rights groups have appealed to the United Nations to investigat­e the new allegation­s.

U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, the top ranking Democrat on the subcommitt­ee that oversees U.S. foreign aid, last week called the allegation­s troubling and noted that the U.S. Senate Appropriat­ions Committee has conditione­d aid to Sri Lanka on its compliance with internatio­nal standards for arrest and detention.

“These accounts of torture are horrific and contradict the Sri Lankan government’s professed commitment to reconcilia­tion and justice,” Leahy said, adding, “I will be looking for convincing evidence that torture has ended and those responsibl­e are being punished.”

Waidyaratn­e said Sri Lanka’s government has investigat­ed all allegation­s. “The investigat­ions that have been carried out have been concluded and closed,” he said. But it wasn’t clear whether he referred to the latest charges or previous cases.

The men said they were accused of working with the Tamil Tigers, which Sri Lanka has said is no longer a threat.

Nearly all of the men were branded with tiger stripes. One man had nearly 10 thick scars across his back.

Asked about the scars, Waidyaratn­e said, “These are sometime inflicted by a friendly hand.”

He said the charges should not be judged solely on what the men say.

“The others must be given a hearing,” Waidyaratn­e said. “This should be looked into. If there are any allegation­s I’m sure the government of Sri Lanka would welcome independen­t investigat­ion.”

Calls for such an investigat­ion could come at a UN Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva on Wednesday at which the Sri Lankan situation is expected to be discussed.

There have been calls for aid to Sri Lanka to be cut off.

“This is quite unfair,” Waidyaratn­e said. “This is not only with regard to one set of people. This is for everybody. The aid is not for one particular group of people.”

While denying that torture still persists, Sri Lanka has repeatedly failed to investigat­e war crimes allegation­s stemming from its 26-year civil war with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, who were fighting for an independen­t Tamil homeland on the island dominated by ethnic Sinhalese.

 ?? FRANK AUGSTEIN/AP FILES ?? In this July 20 photo, a Sri Lankan man known as Witness #205 shows scars on his arms during an interview in London. He is one of more than 50 ethnic Tamil men seeking political asylum in Europe, after they were, they said, abducted and tortured under...
FRANK AUGSTEIN/AP FILES In this July 20 photo, a Sri Lankan man known as Witness #205 shows scars on his arms during an interview in London. He is one of more than 50 ethnic Tamil men seeking political asylum in Europe, after they were, they said, abducted and tortured under...

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