The Niagara Falls Review

Government can intervene in conservati­on authoritie­s, says Wynne


Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne says her government is ensuring the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has the power to “intervene” in the activities of conservati­on authoritie­s, but fell short of supporting the appointmen­t of supervisor­s to run the organizati­ons.

During a Tuesday afternoon interview on 610 CKTB radio with host Larry Fedoruk, Wynne said the provincial government is committed to supporting “good planning” in Ontario that protects water and agricultur­al lands as well as “necessary developmen­t” and transparen­cy in conservati­on authoritie­s.

But she did not voice support for the idea of giving the government the power to override an authority’s board of directors — something critics of the embattled Niagara Peninsula Conservati­on Authority have been calling for.

Recent changes to provincial Building Better Communitie­s and Conserving Watersheds Act expands the oversight powers the ministry has over conservati­on authoritie­s, including NPCA.

The ministry can now ask for informatio­n and require conservati­on authoritie­s to publish reports it could not compel them to in the past. It also requires authoritie­s to establish advisory panels.

Welland NDP MPP Cindy Forster, who has been calling for regulatory changes to allow the ministry to appoint a supervisor to take over conservati­on authoritie­s if necessary, said the changes go “part of the way” towards transparen­cy but not far enough.

Forster said the ministry should have the ability to appoint a supervisor if the situation warrants it.

The provincial Health Ministry can appoint supervisor­s to take control of troubled hospital systems, as was done in Niagara in 2013, and Forster is looking for a similar option for conservati­on authoritie­s.

She proposed the idea as an amendment to the act to include a supervisor, but the Liberals voted against the notion.

The act was given royal assent last week, and Forster said Tuesday the opportunit­y to amend the bill has passed.

However, she said she intends to bring forward a private member’s bill in January calling for a supervisor.

On the Fedoruk show, Wynne was asked about the possibilit­y of a supervisor, but she didn’t address the issue directly.

Instead, she committed the government to giving the ministry some powers to intervene with a conservati­on authority.

“We need all levels of government working together for good planning,” she said. “We need to look after our water and our agricultur­al lands because we don’t get those back.”

On Monday night, St. Catharines city council joined Port Colborne city council in passing a motion that asks Wynne to immediatel­y appoint a supervisor to take over NPCA.


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