The Niagara Falls Review

Argentinia­ns protest pension reform bill


BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Argentina’s president defended a pension reform bill approved by Congress Tuesday that has prompted violent protests and a general strike, saying it seeks only to benefit retirees.

The measure passed in the lower house by a 127-117 vote after more than 12 hours of debate, much of which came as demonstrat­ors clashed with police outside the chamber.

The legislatio­n, which had already cleared the Senate, would change the formula by which pension benefits are calculated, basing them largely on inflation instead of wage growth and tax contributi­ons. It’s a key part of the economic changes pushed by President Mauricio Macri’s government to reduce Argentina’s high deficit and attract investment­s.

“We’ve created a formula that defends (retirees) from inflation and guarantees that they will be better,” Macri said at a press conference at the presidenti­al palace. “Our priority is to take care of the retirees.”

But opposition lawmakers, union leaders and other critics complain the bill will cut pension and retirement payments as well as aid for some poor families because consumer prices are expected to be lower.

“We’re sad. This law is bad,” said opposition lawmaker Agustin Rossi. “We tried to impede it from passing, but we couldn’t get the numbers. This harms retirees.”

Argentina’s largest union called a 24-hour general strike that has grounded hundreds of flights. About 150 people were also injured and about 60 were arrested in clashes between police and demonstrat­ors Monday outside the Congress building. Some retirees who were protesting the measure were caught up in the middle of the violence when some demonstrat­ors hurled rocks and gasoline bombs, and riot police responded with tear gas and rubber bullets.

Macri told reporters that the violence had “clearly been orchestrat­ed” and would be investigat­ed.

In peaceful protests, demonstrat­ors banged on pots in several neighbourh­oods of the capital late into the night. The protests hold deep symbolism for Argentines, who have haunting memories of the 2001-2002 economic collapse, when pot-banging marches forced presidents from office and made the country practicall­y ungovernab­le.

 ?? VICTOR R. CAIVANO/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Protesters bang pots in protest of a pension reform bill as they march in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Tuesday.
VICTOR R. CAIVANO/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Protesters bang pots in protest of a pension reform bill as they march in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Tuesday.

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