The Niagara Falls Review

Let’s offer some comfort in the cold


Polar vortex: It sounds like something out of Star Trek. Wormhole into winter. Warp speed to wind chill. Or do we have our franchise wrong?

Have we actually been mysterious­ly transporte­d to the ice planet Hoth? Car batteries failing in the frigid air, should we consider transport by Tauntaun?

Yes, Canada still faces several days of unrelentin­g chill, a holiday period in which the prime minister surely wishes he were flying south (he’s not — this time).

This year, winter weather experience­s are the great equalizer.

We’re all here, watching record after record shatter like icicles against the pavement. We’re all in it together.

So think about what that means:

• It means keeping an eye out for our

vulnerable neighbours. Older folks, or those with illness, who may have trouble getting around in winter even when the wind chill isn’t minus-35 C.

Offer to pick up their groceries, you with the heated car seats. Maybe help shovel their walk.

• Keep an eye out for luckless people on

the streets — the chronicall­y homeless — who need a roof for the night, and contact the area’s shelters if you see someone who might be spending frigid hours outdoors.

• Watch out for your pets. That cute

Christmas coat for Fido isn’t going to stop your furry friend from freezing.

Keep that puppy inside, and for those

moments when it simply must be outdoors, opt for shorter walks rather than longer ones.

We know you’ll properly bundle up the kids; think about your little canines, too.

And wipe the salt off their paws when they come in.

• If you’re driving, slow down and be patient. Keep extra winter stuff in your

vehicle, such as blankets and a hat (and yes, jumper cables).

• Be extra courteous with anyone

working outside. Maybe it’s the tow-truck operator or CAA saviour who rescues your stranded car. A smile and a hearty “thanks” would be nice.

Other people who have to work outdoors — maintenanc­e crews, constructi­on folk, etc. — all are under extra stress just now. Ask them if you can help in some small way: Offer a warm drink, or even an extra pair of socks or a scarf.

And don’t over-exert or over-exercise outdoors, even as you eye the ski hills. We know you’re tough. But there’s tough and there’s just plain dumb.

Stay smart, friends.

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