The Niagara Falls Review

Government­s easily forget they answer to us


It’s to be expected that some tension will exist between government­s that see it as easiest to exercise power without challenge, and the institutio­ns — including media, opposition and citizens — which seek to hold them to account.

But it’s worth pointing out how the balance between those forces continues to tilt in favour of the former — to the point where we’ve come to accept as normal a constant offensive against counterwei­ghts to power.

And we should be careful to note how that state of affairs is antithetic­al to the public interest in ensuring that government­s work for us rather than themselves.

The most prominent current example of a political leader’s hostility to counterbal­ances is of course Donald Trump’s treatment of the U.S. media.

Trump and his surrogates have branded as “fake news” true stories that happen to conflict with his interests and called for journalist­s to stop doing their job of holding government to account. Trump has gone beyond general institutio­nal attacks to call for the harassment and firing of specific reporters when it has suited his purposes.

Canada’s leaders haven’t been so blatant in trying to undermine the role of the press and of other forces that should hold them to account.

But they also offer plenty of examples of the same phenomenon.

When caught using his office to push legislatio­n which enriched him personally while threatenin­g the retirement security of workers, federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau responded by arguing that he shouldn’t have to answer either to journalist­s or to the opposition.

Indigenous Services Minister Jane Philpott has taken to Twitter to attack reporters and columnists for offering reminders of the Trudeau government’s neglect of Canadian Human Rights Tribunal orders requiring fairness in child welfare funding.

It’s noteworthy that a government that makes a show of supporting reconcilia­tion — including the calls to action of a Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission that highlighte­d the need to acknowledg­e the contributi­on of government policies to disparitie­s in health and welfare — wants to base its position on the selective disappeara­nce of history.

On a provincial level, the Saskatchew­an Party has tried to shut down both media coverage and public investigat­ion of the Global Transporta­tion Hub scandal.

British Columbia Premier John Horgan has followed up a dubious decision to continue with his predecesso­r’s Site C dam boondoggle by talking about his government’s plans to set aside activism in favour of administra­tion. (Contrast that to the oft-cited response of Franklin Delano Roosevelt to arguments for anti-discrimina­tion legislatio­n which faced political opposition: rather than minimizing the role of activism, he encouraged proponents of the plan to “go out and make me do it.”)

It’s fair enough for government­s to defend their positions, particular­ly when there’s room to correct (or at least provide an alternativ­e interpreta­tion of ) informatio­n coming from other sources.

But it’s quite another to try to use the power of the state to undercut the fundamenta­l role of journalist­s, opposition politician­s and the general public in holding power to account.

And the point where our political leaders think we answer to them rather than the other way around is exactly the time when they most need to be reminded how the dynamic needs to work.

Greg Fingas is a Regina lawyer, blogger and freelance political commentato­r from a progressiv­e

NDP perspectiv­e since 2005.

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