The Niagara Falls Review

The good, the bad, the Trump


Let’s try to look on the bright side for 2018.

That’s easier said than done though.

For one thing, there’s reason enough to worry the new year won’t be better than the old, with the unstable personalit­y responsibl­e for stirring up a year of worldchang­ing fear and uncertaint­y about the future still in power.

That person is not Kim Jong Un, the ruthless dictator of North Korea who likes playing chicken with nuclear toys, though the shoe described above fits well-enough on his foot too.

But no, it’s that other guy, POTUS, President of the United States who, as commander-inchief of the U.S. military, also has his finger on the nuclear-weapons button and asked before he was elected, “why can’t we use them?”

The answer to that question is surely self-evident.

The story now making the rounds of the rumour mill in Washington, D.C. as the 2017 clock winds down is that POTUS is about to fire Robert Mueller. A former director of the FBI for 12 years, and decorated-for-heroism Vietnam War veteran, Mueller is the special counsel investigat­ing Russia’s interferen­ce in last year’s U.S. election, and whether or not it involved “collusion” with the campaign of now-President Donald Trump.

Hard to believe, but apparently Trump has that power to fire a special counsel appointed by the U.S. Justice Department to investigat­e him, as Richard Nixon did when he was president, and used it to fire the special counsel investigat­ing him. It backfired, and the resulting outcry forced Nixon to resign in 1974 rather than face impeachmen­t.

So far, members Republican Party who control both houses of Congress are showing no signs of being ready to impeach him. Meanwhile, many are piling on to the ongoing, insidious campaign, aided by Fox News, to discredit Mueller and his investigat­ion and the FBI.

So the stage has been set, even as Trump says he doesn’t plan to fire Mueller. The firing of Mueller, possibly any day now, or by now, will create political “bedlam” in the U.S., as one pundit predicted.

The special-counsel investigat­ion is closing in on high-ranking members of the Trump campaign, getting closer possibly to Trump himself who spent 2017 claiming it’s nothing but a sour-grapes “witch hunt.”

Trump’s firing of Mueller would say a lot to thinking people about what he’s afraid the investigat­ion might find. The bright side, if indeed it happens, is that it might wake up his “base” to the truth about Trump. Sooner or later, one way or another “the truth will out.” He is, after all, his own worst enemy.

As for other bright sides in 2018, a lot depends on your point of view:

Say you’re a member of one of a number of municipal councils in southern Bruce County. Then you might have cause to celebrate if federal Environmen­t Minister Catherine McKenna, decides to give final approval to Ontario Power Generation’s (OPG) planned deep geological repository (DGR) for the storage of low and intermedia­te-level radioactiv­e nuclear waste at the Bruce Nuclear site. That would, or at least might, unlock millions of dollars worth of payments to Kincardine and other municipali­ties under an agreement signed in 2004. The payments are currently on hold in special accounts because the approval process is so far behind schedule.

However, OPG also promised the Saugeen Ojibway Nation(s) the DGR would not be built without SON approval; and SON officials recently said they need more time to get informed input from their communitie­s.

That should not be a factor in the municipal payments unless the municipali­ties were consulted by OPG about the promise made to SON.

Things do get complicate­d. Also, regarding the “bright side,” there’s a provincial election coming, no later than June 7, 2018.

It’s always a good thing to have a free and fair election. There are lots of places in the world where people don’t get that opportunit­y.

Recent polls have shown the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves holding on to a lead over the incumbent Liberal government, followed closely by the NDP.

But the polls have been wrong before, and six months is practicall­y a lifetime in politics. That must be the “bright side” for Premier Kathleen Wynne, and no doubt she’s holding on to it for her dear, political life.

Then there’s the difficult NAFTA renegotiat­ion talks now expected to continue until at least March, and the possibilit­y that the impulsive Trump might just decide to cancel the agreement.

But there is mounting pressure in the U.S. not to do that, particular­ly in states that rely heavily on agricultur­al trade with Canada and Mexico. An opinion piece in a North Dakota farm publicatio­n, AGWEEK, caught my eye:

“America’s NAFTA trading partners, Mexico and Canada, account for more than three-fourths of where North Dakota’s exports are sold,” wrote Ben Hanson, a candidate in that state for the U.S. House of Representa­tives elections, November, 2018.

“A withdrawal from NAFTA would cause over 500 North Dakotan producers to lose their jobs, putting North Dakota in the top five states hit worst. That’s why I stand with the bipartisan group of 18 U.S. senators who’ve written Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, demanding that he protect agricultur­e sectors in any trade negotiatio­ns.”

Trump may say and do what he wants about Canada and Mexico, but the farmers of rural, mid-America, are another thing altogether.

So, on the bright side, NAFTA will not be cancelled.

 ?? AP ?? President Donald Trump speaks as he meets with members of the U.S. Coast Guard, who he invited to play golf, at Trump Internatio­nal Golf Club, Friday in West Palm Beach, Fla.
AP President Donald Trump speaks as he meets with members of the U.S. Coast Guard, who he invited to play golf, at Trump Internatio­nal Golf Club, Friday in West Palm Beach, Fla.
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