The Niagara Falls Review

Increasing numbers of pets are being sickened by marijuana, veterinari­ans warn


FREDERICTO­N — Veterinari­ans say they’re seeing an increasing number of dogs sickened after ingesting marijuana, and are warning pet owners to take care as Canada prepares for cannabis legalizati­on this year.

Dr. Jeff Goodall, a veterinari­an who runs the Sunnyview Animal Centre in Bedford, N.S., said he’s seeing a growing number of dogs with marijuana toxicity.

“It profoundly affects the neurologic­al system. It can progress to tremors and seizures, and they can go into a coma,” he said Tuesday.

Goodall said his Halifax-area clinic saw five cases in 2017, three in 2016, and none the year before that.

He said the tetrahydro­cannabinol or THC in marijuana doesn’t make dogs high. Rather, it makes them very sick.

“The THCs are very toxic to pets in the sense that they cause profound levels of confusion, then the dogs start to cry or vocalize and become hyperactiv­e. They get through that period fairly quickly and then they begin to drool and become unable to walk properly,” Goodall said.

“By the time they’re in the clinic it’s very clear that they have marijuana toxicity because the poor dogs have excessive or uncontroll­ed urination.”

In rare cases it can lead to death.

Goodall said in four of the five cases he saw last year, the owners were upfront about the cause of their dog’s illness and they were able to proceed quickly with treatment.

However he said the owner in the fifth case was in denial.

“She was accusing us of accusing her children of using recreation­al medication, when that wasn’t what we were saying at all. We were just saying, this is what the dog has,” he said.

Goodall said cannabis edibles are also harmful to dogs.

“One of our cases this year was cannabis-containing brownies. We also had another dog who ate a bag of suckers. The problem there wasn’t the cannabis, it was the xylitol. Xylitol is an artificial sweetener often used in sugarfree gum, and it is extremely concerning to pets,” he said.

Goodall said he’d like to see warnings and greater public education on what marijuana can do to pets.

In Colorado, where recreation­al marijuana was legalized in 2012, there was a four-fold increase in reported cases of toxicity in dogs between 2010 and 2015.

An article posted on the website of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Associatio­n says dogs are proportion­ally more sensitive to the active compounds in marijuana than people, and in small dogs, excessive intake can easily result in signs of toxicity.

It also says that cats are not immune to the toxic side effects but are more selective in what they eat. They also lack the sweet tooth that would make cannabis edibles as attractive as they are to dogs.

Goodall said there are other components in cannabis that may eventually prove useful in treating some symptoms and illnesses in pets, but more research needs to be done.

The Canadian Veterinary Medical Associatio­n says for now, marijuana is not approved for medicinal use in animals.

“Giving products to your pet may have unknown side effects and unproven effectiven­ess. Especially exposing them to THC-rich recreation­al marijuana could put them in a life-threatenin­g medical crisis,” its article states.

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