The Niagara Falls Review

Nurse and cop put in a dating shift


Dear Amy: I am a nurse. I started dating a police officer seven months ago.

We like each other and are getting along. We are both working full time and going to school.

He lives two hours away from me. While we talk on the phone daily, he only wants to see me once every six or seven weeks.

I asked him if we could see each other once every four weeks (because I know he is busy), but he doesn’t want that. He says, “This is the only way the relationsh­ip works.”

I complained a few times and asked him if we could see each other more often.

He suggested that I should find a new guy. I am offended. I like him so much, but I am lonely. I feel like he has more fun being alone rather than being with me.

Does this man even want to be in a relationsh­ip? Am I forcing myself on him?


Dear Confused: Your question prompted me to do some reading on the whole nurse-police officer dating nexus, and my casual research reveals that, yes, nurses and cops can make great partners. Both profession­s seem to draw plucky, hardworkin­g people who are drawn toward service, and can tolerate challengin­g shift work.

You don’t realize it but you are lucky. Why? Because you have clarity.

Your officer-friend is telling you exactly where he stands. He is saying, “This is what works for me. If it doesn’t work for you, you should find someone else.” If he was more into you, he would probably beat a path to your door, no matter the distance. But — he is not.

You are saying, “But this doesn’t work for me.”

Boom. You have your answer.

Dear Amy: I agreed to be the maid of honour at a friend’s wedding — six months from now. She has been with the guy for just over a year.

The bride admitted to a mutual friend that she knows she’s the groom’s rebound girl and is only marrying him because he asked. I feel like I should tell the groom this — just in case the marriage doesn’t last.

I feel that she isn’t getting married for the right reasons.

Not only is she expecting me and my boyfriend to pay gobs of money to attend the destinatio­n wedding that she can’t afford, but she has also been messaging my boyfriend behind my back (my boyfriend is showing me the messages), saying how she can’t wait for the wedding — so my boyfriend can see her in a bikini.

I’m to the point now where I want to drop out of the wedding party, but I have already paid for my trip. What do I do? I’ve tried confrontin­g her, but she denies it all.


Dear Don’t Know: You seem to want to turn the bride in to her fiance to retaliate because she is messaging your boyfriend. Your boyfriend could easily stop the messaging, so it seems that the two of you might be enjoying it (on some level).

The worst, most ridiculous bride in the world deserves to have a maid of honour who believes in what she is doing — or is at least willing to put her blinders on and go along with it. You are not that person.

You should turn in your “maid of honour” badge. Tell the bride, “I’m very sorry, but I can’t perform these duties for you.

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