The Niagara Falls Review

Pope Francis should apologize to Indigenous Canadians


It’s disappoint­ing and more than a little puzzling to learn Pope Francis will not apologize for the Roman Catholic Church’s role in Canada’s residentia­l school tragedy.

It’s disappoint­ing because so many of the First Nations, Métis and Inuit survivors of those misguided, destructiv­e institutio­ns sincerely want to hear an official statement of regret from the leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics. That’s part of the path to healing, they say.

It’s also disappoint­ing because one of the 94 recommenda­tions from the Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission, after it spent five years examining the residentia­l school disaster, specifical­ly called for a papal apology delivered on Canadian soil.

Indeed, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau personally asked the Pope to consider this gesture when they met in the Vatican last year.

But last week, the unwelcome answer was no.

The residentia­l schools are a black mark on the history of the Canadian government but also some of Canada’s most prominent churches.

For more than a century, the federal government’s church-operated residentia­l schools worked tirelessly to assimilate Indigenous children by forcing them to attend schools where they were forbidden to speak their languages or practise their cultures.

More than 150,000 Indigenous youngsters attended the schools between the 1880s and 1996, and many suffered physical, sexual and psychologi­cal abuse at the hands of priests, nuns or other teachers.

While the survivors of these institutio­ns have received financial compensati­on, they deserve to hear the representa­tives of the powerful groups that ran the system publicly admit their responsibi­lity and then apologize.

Irreparabl­e harm was done — to individual­s, families and Indigenous communitie­s across the land.

The Canadian government as well as the United, Anglican and Presbyteri­an churches all apologized long ago for their part in this outrage.

Why can’t the Pope do the same?

It’s true that many Roman Catholic organizati­ons in Canada have, over the years, issued apologies for their role in the residentia­l schools. But this is not the same as the authoritat­ive and definitive statement from the Pope that Indigenous Canadians seek.

The argument from Canadian bishops has always been that 16 out of 70 Catholic dioceses in Canada, along with three dozen religious communitie­s, were associated with the residentia­l schools.

Because each diocese and religious community is legally responsibl­e for its actions, the bishops insist the Catholic Church as a whole is not responsibl­e and should not apologize.

If that makes sense to the bishops, to Indigenous Canadians it will sound like a debate over how many angels can dance on a pinhead.

Such stubbornne­ss is also puzzling. In 2010, a papal apology was issued to those in Ireland who had been sexually abused by priests.

Two years ago, Pope Francis visited Bolivia where he issued an apology for the “grave sins” of the church against Indigenous Peoples in the colonizati­on of the Americas.

So why not apologize here, in Canada?

We hope these precedents will allow this popular Pope, who is famed for his thoughtful compassion, to reconsider his decision, come to Canada and say what needs to be said.

“Forgive us our debts,” is part of Christiani­ty’s greatest prayer.

The Catholic Church has a debt owing to Canada’s Indigenous Peoples and should seek their forgivenes­s.

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