The Niagara Falls Review

Israel rebuffs calls for Gaza inquiry

Troops acted appropriat­ely in violence along border, says defence minister Lieberman


JERUSALEM — Israel’s defence minister on Sunday rejected internatio­nal calls for an investigat­ion into deadly violence along Gaza’s border with Israel, saying troops acted appropriat­ely and fired only at Palestinia­n protesters who posed a threat.

Fifteen Palestinia­ns were killed and more than 700 wounded in Friday’s violence near the Israeli border, according to Palestinia­n health officials.

It was the area’s deadliest violence since a war four years ago.

Human rights groups have accused the army of using excessive force, and both the UN secretary-general and the European Union’s foreign policy chief have urged an investigat­ion.

In an interview, Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Israel would not co-operate with a UN inquiry if there were one.

“From the standpoint of the Israeli soldiers, they did what had to be done,” Lieberman told Israeli Army Radio. “I think that all of our troops deserve a commendati­on, and there won’t be any inquiry.”

Friday’s mass marches were largely led by Gaza’s ruling Hamas group and touted as the launch of a six-week-long protest campaign against a stifling decade-old blockade of the territory.

Israel and Egypt have maintained the blockade since Hamas, an Islamic militant group sworn to Israel’s destructio­n, seized control of Gaza in 2007.

In Friday’s confrontat­ions, large crowds gathered near the border fence, with smaller groups of protesters rushing forward, throwing stones and burning tires.

Israeli troops responded with live fire and rubber-coated steel pellets, while drones dropped tear gas from above. Soldiers with rifles were perched on high earthen embankment­s overlookin­g the scene.

Protests have continued since Friday but at a far smaller scale. On Sunday, one person was seriously wounded by gunfire, Palestinia­n medical officials said.

The military has said it responded only to violent attacks aimed at troops and the border fence. But video from the scene showed at least a handful of incidents in which people appear to have been shot either far from the border or while they were not actively rioting.

The Israeli military accused Hamas of releasing videos that were either incomplete, edited or “completely fabricated.”

It said troops had followed strict rules of engagement, and that protesters were putting themselves in “harm’s way” by operating in a dangerous area.

In the interview, Lieberman said those who protested peacefully were not harmed, saying claims that peaceful protesters were harmed were “lies and inventions.”

Tamar Zandberg, leader of the dovish opposition party Meretz, posted a video calling for an independen­t inquiry .

“I’m worried about the fate of all of us, and the fate of the residents of the Gaza periphery communitie­s, who could be sitting in bomb shelters today, tomorrow or next week,” she said.

 ?? SEBASTIAN SCHEINER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Dozens of Israelis demonstrat­ed Sunday in Tel Aviv against the violence in Gaza, criticizin­g Israel for its response.
SEBASTIAN SCHEINER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Dozens of Israelis demonstrat­ed Sunday in Tel Aviv against the violence in Gaza, criticizin­g Israel for its response.

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