The Niagara Falls Review

No ‘quickie affair’ wanted

- DEAR ELLIE ellieadvic­

Q. I’m an attractive woman, single, late-30s, working in insurance. My boss insisted that I was the perfect agent for his friend’s account and set up the appointmen­t.

He’s early-40s, very good-looking, divorced and a profession­al. We were both businessli­ke, but I immediatel­y felt a mutual attraction. Sure enough, though we were to meet again in two weeks, he started sending me text messages asking less about insurance matters than about me.

When I went away briefly on business, his texts quickly went from flirty to sexual. I like this man, but I don’t want a quick affair. How do I say this without sounding like I’m conceited or cold? Also, how do I keep the account if all he wants is sex?

A. Your instincts are good. Quickie affairs usually flame out fast, or never get beyond the bedroom.

Don’t reply to texts that feel inappropri­ate or a rush into bed. Do reply to profession­al matters and future appointmen­ts in your office. Don’t say “yes” to any suggested meeting at his place or yours. Do agree to a lunch or dinner together in a restaurant.

If the mutual attraction builds and you decide that you do want intimacy with him, tell him that you can’t continue to be his insurance agent, though your company can still handle his account.

How he responds will tell you whether his interest in you is likely to have a future, or not.


Q. I’m 64 with a chronic condition which makes walking very challengin­g. I use a cane in the house and a walker when out, which happens rarely — three times in 2017. My husband drove me to the bank to sign papers and back.

Along with two grown sons, he’s my only family. He’s not interested in socializin­g with anyone. He’s self employed but works with people all day and that’s enough for him. He has no hobbies or interests other than television. No one has visited us for years.

I’m extremely lonely. I have internet friends because I donate regularly to street animal rescues internatio­nally.

My future seems to be years of loneliness and isolation ahead. Is there any hope for me?

A. You had the courage to make this outreach, which signals that you’re ready to fight against this unfair, unnatural, and unhealthy isolation.

Your chronic condition is one factor, but your family’s indifferen­ce is quite another. I urge you to use your internet abilities and contact all the community services in your area. There are likely available drop-in and scheduled gatherings for isolated older people.

Some groups offer conversati­ons and lunch, interest groups such as art classes show movies, etc. Using your walker, you should be able to participat­e in some of these choices.

Depending on your locale, organizati­ons such as AARP (American Associatio­n of Retired Persons) and CARP (Canadian Associatio­n of Retired Persons) are good places to start your inquiries.

One AARP motto: “You’re never too old to find new friends.”


Feedback: Regarding the father whose ex-wife refused his treating their daughter to a baseball game because it’s “her time” with their child (March 9):

Reader: “This father was given a golden opportunit­y to be a hero to his daughter, while demonstrat­ing compassion for his ex-wife.

“The simple solution — he apologizes for his mistake with the dates and offers the tickets to his daughter and ex-wife to attend the game together.

“Should the ex be unable/unwilling to attend herself, she could select another appropriat­e relative/friend to accompany the girl. This one act could begin a new chapter in how the exes co-operate on matters relating to their children.”

Ellie — A wonderful “solution” even if it doesn’t work for one reason or another.

So many divorced people focus on competing times regarding their children.

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