The Niagara Falls Review

Being hidden is demeaning


Q . I’ve been dating a man for 19 months, we’re both divorced, and have raised teenage daughters.

He met my daughters briefly, and my close friend.

We talk about the future together, more travelling together, etc.

Neither of us wants to get remarried or live together now.

I’m concerned that he’s not told his younger daughter.

He said that when he separated from his ex five years ago, his youngest took it hard.

Should I believe that he’s concerned about his daughter?

Or is he hiding me and doesn’t consider our relationsh­ip important enough to share with her?

I’ve also not met anyone from his inner circle.

His parents know that we’ve been dating. How do I handle this? Am I being hidden?

A. You mention only his youngest daughter, which suggests you’ve met an older one. But you don’t say that.

I suspect that, similarly, you haven’t spoken up about your concern.

You have to say — though not harshly — what his “hiding you” means. Explain that, as a mother, you understand his thoughtful­ness about not wanting to upset his daughter.

But, since she must know he’s dating someone (her sister would’ve told her, or even her mother), he’s handing her emotional control over his life.

What’s needed for father and daughter now is counsellin­g, to reassure his unceasing love for her.

And that dating someone doesn’t weaken their bond.

Profession­ally-guided counsellin­g is crucial to bring out the girl’s fears and for him to comfort her while still being entitled to his adult choices.

Explain that you think he’s doing both his daughter and you a disservice by not being open and honest.

He may not agree right away, but he’s wrong not to, for the girl’s sake.

However, only wait a limited time for him to get it — that you feel demeaned by his shielding his daughter from your presence in his life.

The same goes for you meeting his close friends.

Be straightfo­rward with friend

Q. My best friend, both of us early-20s, lives in a different city from me.

We see each other once a month, text daily, etc.

Lately she’s upset because her boyfriend always has friends at his house (which he owns).

He lost his mom a year ago so she understand­s the closeness and importance of his friendship­s.

But it limits their time together. And sometimes he picks friends over her.

His recently-acquired roommate started dating our other friend, which means she’s also always there, even if the other friends aren’t.

I listen to her vent, try to give thoughtful advice and understand­ing.

I’ve suggested trying to plan dates outside the home, and that they share a “signal” for when they want to be alone.

She never takes my suggestion­s, which I accept. But I’m getting very tired and annoyed at hearing these same struggles.

How do I gently convey that the only thing left to this conversati­on/situation is her doing something, and that I’m tired of hearing the same thing daily.

I don’t want to hurt her.

A. You gave good advice. But you were blocked from creating change because your friend doesn’t want to help herself. She’s insecure in the relationsh­ip — no wonder, since there are always friends in the way.

While you’re assertive and solution-minded, despite being still young, she’s afraid to speak up (especially since he already sometimes chooses his friends first).

You don’t have to be mean, just straightfo­rward.

Tell your friend that it’s up to her. Nothing will be different unless she makes it so. Then change the subject.

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