The Niagara Falls Review

Van attack witnesses will never forget?

Despite the anxiety and fear, closure will come for most, experts say


TORONTO — Konstantin Goulich had only travelled steps from his apartment building before he saw the first dead body.

The second one lay a block or two to the south.

Nearby lay a third, draped like the others in an orange blanket that only drew attention to the horror that had just transforme­d countless lives.

The bustling but peaceful streets Goulich had planned to stroll on a balmy, sunny April day had become a grisly crime scene in the wake of a deadly rampage by a rented van.

While Goulich was not among the 10 people killed or the 16 others injured on Toronto’s Yonge Street that day, he said he’s struggled to come to grips with the “terrible” sights he saw.

“I’m definitely not getting much sleep, that’s for sure,” Goulich said. “On the first night I couldn’t sleep at all. I just had the image of the person under the blanket.”

Stories like Goulich’s will be common as the events of April 23 truly sink in, experts said, adding the witnesses to the violence that took place on Yonge Street should be considered victims of the attack in their own right.

Dr. Katy Kamkar, clinical psychologi­st at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, said the carnage that resulted from the rampage would be genuinely traumatic for everyday residents to take in.

The sights and sounds that filled the streets that day not only lodge in people’s minds but also tear at their belief systems, she said, adding such events can leave people questionin­g fundamenta­l pillars of their life such as the safety of their society and the foundation­s of their faith.

In the immediate aftermath of such developmen­ts, Kamkar said, it’s entirely normal for witnesses to struggle with the new informatio­n they’ve been forced to take in.

Symptoms such as sleeplessn­ess, anxiety, recurring mood swings, fear and grief are all normal at this early stage, Kamkar said, adding there is no single appropriat­e way to process such “horrific images.”

“It’s important to expect all those and also not to be afraid of the symptoms, she said.

Mandana Kanani was sitting outside her dry cleaning shop across the street. She said she saw the van speed along the sidewalk and run over a fire hydrant before continuing southbound, leaving four bodies in its wake.

Since then, she said it’s been hard to shake the images and the sense of guilt she felt for being unable to help.

“I was obliged to go to that side (of the street) and I felt really bad walking over there,” she said.

But one person’s struggle can be another’s salvation.

Dainis Cevers admitted to being in a state of shock after finding himself behind the van and witnessing one pedestrian being hurled at least five metres through the air.

Days later, Cevers returned to the scene after paying tribute at a makeshift memorial that sprang up since the attack.

While there, he said he connected with the family of one of the victims. The exchange they had, he said, allowed him to commiserat­e and share his perspectiv­e on what happened.

“It was good to meet them,” he said. “I was explaining that this could happen to anyone. There’s nothing to be done. It could happen to me, to anyone.”

Such closure has not yet come to Mario Martella, who saw the body of an elderly woman lying just outside the neighbourh­ood hair salon he owns.

“It’s terrible, terrible. It will remain in my mind for I don’t know how long,” he said. “But you can’t think about it.”

Dr. Sylvain Roy, president of the Ontario Psychologi­cal Associatio­n, said that approach may not be best for everyone.

He said that while the symptoms many people exhibit in the days after a traumatic event dissipate in most cases, some people see them intensify until they interfere with daily functionin­g.

“Whoever witnesses directly will probably be impacted for life in one way, shape or another,” he said.

 ?? NATHAN DENETTE THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Yonge Street in Toronto was closed down last Monday after a van mounted a sidewalk and struck numerous pedestrian­s, killing 10 and injuring 16.
NATHAN DENETTE THE CANADIAN PRESS Yonge Street in Toronto was closed down last Monday after a van mounted a sidewalk and struck numerous pedestrian­s, killing 10 and injuring 16.

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