The Niagara Falls Review

The Speaker speaks his mind

Levac laments a political system where MPPs are losing their independen­ce

- MARTIN REGG COHN Martin Regg Cohn is based in Toronto. Follow him on Twitter: @reggcohn

The legislatur­e’s longest-serving Speaker doesn’t customaril­y speak his mind, but Dave Levac can’t contain his thoughts any longer.

With barely two weeks left in the ornate speaker’s chair and an election campaign just days away, Levac is going public with his private fears about where provincial politics is going. The speaker has announced his retirement, but he’s not about to go quietly over his concerns:

Our democracy is only as robust as its democratic institutio­ns. Members of Provincial Parliament are losing their personal power in a struggle with party leaders who centralize authority inexorably.

Interviewe­d in his ground-floor office of the legislatur­e, directly underneath the premier’s office and two floors below the opposition leader’s office, Levac frets about “the power that they wield” over MPPs.

Sitting in his speaker’s robes, Levac muses that he wants to “de-brainwash some of the members” who cloak their independen­t judgment upon entering the legislatur­e, induced by the prospects of cabinet appointmen­ts or opposition privileges.

“We whip that out of them: ‘No, no, no, you just follow the party line and do what you’re told.’”

As partisansh­ip gets fiercer, Ontario must reinforce legislativ­e supremacy lest it falter under its own dead weight. It’s not just majority muscle that he worries about, but gridlock in minority legislatur­es where partisan battle lines are firmly drawn.

After nearly seven years on the job, Levac has seen the province’s democratic underpinni­ngs go from bad to worse. He struggled to maintain control during the bitterly-divided 2011-14 minority legislatur­e, then presided over the fractious majority years that followed.

Now he frets about post-election stasis if there’s another minority legislatur­e with no clear winner.

“As one would be concerned about the dominance of a majority government, be careful of the dominance of the opposition in a minority government,” Levac tells me.

Opposition mischief can come back to haunt a party that one day wins power: “Be careful of what you want, because you might get it” — only to see the roles reversed.

Levac says Liberal government dominance of legislativ­e debates has also set a poor precedent, citing the “excessive use of time allocation” measures to rush bills into law through closure tactics that limit the opposition’s say. “They forget that one day they will not be in government and they will suffer for it.”

For all his pessimism, Levac has some surprising prescripti­ons for how to preserve and revive the legislatur­e’s standing at a time when few people sit down to watch the daily Question Period. He believes it’s possible to have too much of a good thing, by overdoing democratic activity to the point that people tune out. Among his proposals:

Dial down the 60-minute question period, which lasts longer than any other Commonweal­th parliament. It is only 45 minutes in Ottawa.

Focus the debate by holding a pre- mier’s question period just once a week, as in Westminste­r.

Curb the theatrics, without cutting them out entirely. Levac points to the relative decorum in Quebec’s National Assembly, where members have agreed to stop rote applause and disruptive heckling.

Strengthen the role of MPPs by reclaiming some of the authority they have delegated to an unwieldy roster of eight independen­t officers of the legislatur­e — an auditor general, ombudsman, and commission­ers for the environmen­t, privacy, integrity, financial accountabi­lity, French services and child advocacy.

The previous ombudsman, Andre Marin, ran as a Progressiv­e Conservati­ve in a byelection shortly after he was refused a third term, and unsuccessf­ully sued the legislatur­e, behaviour Levac believes was deeply inappropri­ate.

With the current auditor general, Bonnie Lysyk, “there are people that question certain things that are being done and certain battles that are going on,” Levac noted. “It is very easy to create a ‘gotta get you,’ or a “gotcha moment,’ for any government.” That’s why MPPs need auditor’s reports that can be relied upon as “factual, that have merit.”

Levac believes MPPs should form a special all-party committee to oversee and possibly consolidat­e the various officers of the legislatur­e, ensuring they are mindful of their mandates: “Who’s watching the watcher?”

Levac’s last words to his fellow MPPs: “They are 107 members chosen out of 14 million people.”

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