The Niagara Falls Review

Gun debate always complicate­d

Both Liberals and Conservati­ves run risks if debate heats up

- TIM HARPER Tim Harper is a former Star reporter who is a current freelance columnist based in Toronto. Follow him on Twitter: @nutgraf1

If we are entering a new national debate over guns in this country, history teaches us three dispiritin­g certaintie­s.

Misinforma­tion will rule much of that debate. Alarmist and apocalypti­c rhetoric will fill much of the remaining space.

And it will enrich the coffers of both the Liberals and the Conservati­ves who will seek to raise funds by stoking fears of the bogeymen on either side of the debate.

But a national debate is far from a given.

The Danforth is a long way from Saskatchew­an or Alberta and a federal election is creeping closer.

There are potential downsides for all three parties should they re-engage in an ongoing wedge issue, one that has damaged Liberals and New Democrats in the past and threatens to do the same to Conservati­ves in 2019.

So when Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale says he will consider a handgun ban, he quickly reminds us how complex such a move would be.

It was essentiall­y the same asterisk Goodale placed on his interest in an assault weapon ban following the Quebec mosque murders of 2017. He was open to suggestion­s then but quickly added that defining assault weapons was complicate­d.

“It may not necessaril­y be legally complicate­d, but it is politicall­y complicate­d,’’ says Kent Roach, a criminal law expert at the University of Toronto.

Goodale is one of Justin Trudeau’s biggest assets in cabinet, experience­d, well informed on his files and a communicat­or capable of offering hope to either side of a propositio­n with a single sentence.

But he has represente­d a Saskatchew­an riding for 25 years and has always been attuned to those in rural and remote areas who look at any gun initiative by a Liberal government as a first step to taking their rifles away.

Gun control advocates believe that Trudeau was ensuring rural sensibilit­ies would hold sway over bold action by placing gun legislatio­n in the hands of Goodale.

A handgun ban would have to apply nationally, not just to Toronto, and that could get very complicate­d for a Liberal government that would have to grapple with exemptions, a transition period, likely an amnesty period for guns to be returned — and the inevitable call from the pro-gun lobby that a handgun ban is merely a precursor to a total gun ban.

But there is also a sense in some Liberal circles that the well-honed tale that the national gun registry banished the party to the electoral wilderness is a bit of revisionis­t mythmaking.

It did win two majorities under Jean Chrétien with the registry in place and it hit the shoals over the cost of the registry — an issue stoked partly by internecin­e rivalries complete with an artificial­ly inflated price tag.

If there is fear in the Liberal caucus, it is due to a pro-gun lobby in this country that is stronger and more polished than in recent history.

Already, in the wake of the Danforth shootings, Nicolas Johnson, who runs the influentia­l has warned his followers that the handgun ban vote at Toronto city council “serves as the clearest and loudest wake-up call to hunters, plinkers (target shooters), collectors and competitor­s across the country that elected officials want to take away their firearms.’’

But instead of worrying about rural sensibilit­ies, the Liberals might be better advised to look at the concerns of two of their core constituen­cies, women and younger voters, who support a handgun ban.

The Liberals’ gun control bill awaiting final approval was really a tepid piece of legislatio­n, meant to fulfil a 2015 campaign promise, not to radically tighten up regulation­s in this country.

But Conservati­ves would go into a campaign with nothing to offer urban voters on gun control. Leader Andrew Scheer has pledged a Criminal Code scrub of regulation­s that do not respect the rights of “honest firearm owners,” do not respect that hunting and sports shooting are an important piece of Canadian culture and fail to empower police to concentrat­e on “real criminals.’’

In the days following the Danforth shootings many have talked about the silence on the street, the eerie silence during the shootings and the sombre silence at the vigil Wednesday evening.

Listen hard. We cannot afford to hear silence from our federal politician­s in the coming weeks and months.

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