The Niagara Falls Review

Addictions hurt marriage


Q. I love my husband of 35 years, but more recently our relationsh­ip has changed, negatively.

He’s long been addicted to marijuana and smoking-up comes first in his life, several times daily. He doesn’t admit to addiction and tells me to shut up about it.

But now I’ve caught scabies from him for the third time in two years.

He started the rash a week before me and I told him to get treatment. He refused to accept that it’s scabies again.

I kept distant until we shared a bed at a friend’s cottage. Next morning, I had scabies.

After a doctor confirmed it, I thought he’d admit where he picked them up (it’s most commonly caught from intimate contact and goes away with scabies treatment).

But he insists that he got the rash from the garden and has never been unfaithful. I’m very sad that I don’t believe him.

He’s not in large groups of people, hasn’t been going to the gym lately, and has no reason to be touching others.

I’ve opened up to my daughter, but feel guilty burdening her. She’s been a great support to me, but am I being selfish sharing this issue with her?

A. Sleep separately for a while. Unburden your daughter by saying no more.

This is TMI for her to handle, since it’s between her father and you… and he may not have had extramarit­al sex.

Scabies is a highly contagious skin invasion by mites. The most common symptoms are severe itchiness, rashes and blisters, and spreads through physical contact. You can catch it by being near someone who’s infected — e.g. through sexual relations.

But it’s also passed by being among infected kids in a daycare, on public transporta­tion, in a hospital, clinic and doctors’ waiting rooms, gym locker rooms, clothing store fitting rooms, on beaches and sunbeds, from doorknobs, and using public computers.

Once you’ve thereby acknowledg­ed that there are other possible sources for scabies, be clear that having unprotecte­d sex would also risk your both contacting STI’s.

Since you still feel love for him, it’s time to tell yourself — and him, too — that there are things you now don’t like about him: His addiction, his denial of it, and his dismissal of your concern for him.

If nothing changes, you’ll likely grow further apart. After 35 years, that’d be a shame for both of you.

Video game addictions Feedback:

Regarding young people and video gaming (July 9):

Reader: “I’d never understood the allure until I read that obsessive video-gaming induces a false sense of validation and power.

“I understand why these games (purposely designed to be addictive) are particular­ly dangerous for at-risk youth (not strong at that age regarding their own ability and self-esteem).

“Video-game companies employ marketing psychologi­sts to take advantage of the developmen­tal weaknesses of the age group they seek to exploit. Academic limits should be placed on psychologi­cal profession­als who study weaknesses to exploit them. Their conduct in the gaming industry is shameful and ought to be illegal.”

When to expect thank-you notes Q.

Is there a time frame for expecting a thank-you card for your gift after attending an event?

This past year, I attended an engagement party, bridal shower, and a wedding. I still haven’t received a thank-you card for my gifts. When I asked one friend when I can expect my thank-you card for her wedding gift, she said she was told that she had up to a year to write it. When I married, I had them out within two-to-three months.

Some of these events happened more than a year ago. Should I assume that I won’t be getting thanked?

A. The one-year-rule has been around a long time, but in the current culture of instant texts and messaging, that long interval feels rude. Thoughtful­ness goes into most gifts. The recipients should return it through thank-you cards within several months, if at all possible.


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