The Niagara Falls Review

Seeking unbiased letter writers


It would certainly be refreshing to pick up a newspaper or turn on a TV station that delivers unbiased reporting.

We have entered a world where media outlets choose a political ideology to support and their coverage is totally slanted and biased towards that ideology.

Most of us know which media outlets support the left-wing and right-wing platforms. When it becomes concerning is when when these outlets make no apologies for delivering biased news.

The public is confused over what’s accurate reporting and what’s propaganda. Can we find an unbiased news media today? Some come close but name one.

I guess that’s why the term ‘fake news’ has become so popular and used by both sides. If they don’t agree with your views it’s fake news.

Also if you are an avid reader of this paper it should be clear it is the same individual­s that write letters to the editor week after week. Their views are predictabl­e and frankly tiring.

It would be so refreshing to hear from both sides of an issue and from different readers other then the same ones all the time.

Is that to hard to ask for? An unbiased platform giving space and attention to both views of an issue and spreading the wealth so we can hear from new readers with fresh and differing opinions.

Is it impossible to have a discussion anymore without having your opinion or stance attacked?

That’s when people go quiet and refrain from putting their ideas on paper … they usually make up the silent majority and for good reason.

Mario Ciccarelli

Niagara Falls

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