The Niagara Falls Review

Stanton feels more in the swing of things


TAMPA, FLA. — Giancarlo

Stanton delivered the answer deadpan.

The biggest difference he found last baseball season, his first in the Bronx, after eight seasons with the Miami Marlins?

“Playing games that matter past May 7,” Stanton said, drawing laughter.

A hyperbole, but not by much. The best Marlins team Stanton was a part of was his first, which went 80-82 in 2010.

That, of course, was far from the biggest difference Stanton, who came to the Yankees in a megatrade in December 2017, experience­d in New York.

The numbers overall for the 29-year-old outfielder/DH were far from terrible — he hit

.266 with a .852 OPS, 38 homers and 100 RBIs — but they were still a significan­t step down from his National League MVP 2017 season with the Marlins when he hit .281 with a 1.007 OPS, 59 homers and 132 RBIs.

“Got one year in the division, in the league under my belt,” Stanton said of the difficulti­es many players go through switching leagues. “So that (makes) things more comfortabl­e in that aspect in terms of facing some of these guys and teams again more often.”

Stanton, who struck out 211 times in 617 at-bats and was on the receiving end of plenty of Bronx boos as a result, wouldn’t go so far as to use that as a reason for his lengthy struggles last season. But Aaron Boone said there is something to it.

“I think the one thing with Giancarlo that we noticed, as we dug into things, the more he sees a pitcher, he’s one of those guys who really benefits from that,” Boone said. “He gets a pretty significan­t spike across the board as he starts to see guys, more so than your normal person. Hopefully being more comfortabl­e in the American League East should be something that benefits him.”

What Stanton did cop to somewhat was being affected by a tight left hamstring much of the season’s second half. The timing was not ideal as the Yankees endured a handful of injuries at the time, headlined by Aaron Judge spending July 27-Sept. 14 on the DL with a chip fracture of the right wrist. That meant Stanton playing more than Boone would have liked, not that the player requested rest.

“There would have been some more off days in there (but) he wasn’t coming out,” Boone said. “I think that’s one of those things we loved about him last year, his ability to post when he wasn’t perfect and his commitment to posting knowing, ‘Hey, we’re a little beat up right now and I’m good enough to go.’ ”

Said Stanton: “That wasn’t the best for me, but I wasn’t worried about that. If I could go out and help us the slightest bit I was going to be out there.”

As for the booing, Stanton shrugged.

“You don’t worry about that stuff,” he said.

“I know how hard I work and what I was trying to do out there. So that’s a nonfactor.”

Stanton’s approach and preparatio­n behind the scenes last year impressed his new teammates, Judge in particular. His reaction to the rough stretches did, too.

“He worked his tail off,” Boone said. “He really earned the respect of his teammates the way he commanded himself all year.”

Stanton is in the midst of a 13-year, US$325-million contract, the largest in pro sports, at least until Manny Machado signed with San Diego for 10 years and $300 million Tuesday.

Stanton, like many players, expressed concern with how the market had mostly failed to develop the past two winters.

“It’s nothing like what I’ve seen since I’ve played, off-seasons like this,” Stanton said. “I think there’s some issues that need to be addressed.”

 ?? NEW YORK TIMES FILE PHOTO ?? Giancarlo Stanton strikes out in the ninth inning at Yankee Stadium on Oct. 9, 2018.
NEW YORK TIMES FILE PHOTO Giancarlo Stanton strikes out in the ninth inning at Yankee Stadium on Oct. 9, 2018.

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