The Niagara Falls Review

U.S. shifts from raising alarms to reopening country

Trump’s re-election chances may rely on swift economic rebound



weeks, the Trump administra­tion played up the dangers of the coronaviru­s as it sought to persuade Americans to disrupt their lives and stay home. Now, as U.S. President Donald Trump aims for a swift countrywid­e reopening, he faces a new challenge: convincing people it’s safe to come out and resume their normal lives.

It’s a defining question for a cloistered nation — and a political imperative for Trump, whose re-election likely rides on the pace of an economic rebound.

Can the country move beyond a crippling fear of the virus and return to some modified version of its old routines, doing what’s possible to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 but acknowledg­ing it may be a fact of life for years to come?

“We need to create the kind of confidence in America that makes it so that everybody goes back to work,” said Kevin Hassett, a White House adviser and former chair of the Council of Economic Advisers. “And that confidence is going to require testing and confidence that your workplace is a healthy place, but also confidence in the economy.”

At the White House, officials believe they’ve entered a new chapter of the pandemic response, moving from crisis mode to sustained mitigation and management.

It began last Thursday with the release of guidelines to governors for how to safely reopen their states. Trump and VicePresid­ent Mike Pence celebrated Americans for successful­ly “flattening the curve” of the epidemic.

A day later, a phalanx of the administra­tion’s top medical officials sought to reassure the nation that there were plenty of tests available to safely begin easing restrictio­ns.

Governors have been lifting restrictio­ns each day since then, including aggressive moves announced Wednesday in Montana and Oklahoma. The governor of Montana gave schools the green light to open their doors in early May, and Oklahoma will allow salons, barbershop­s, spas and pet groomers to reopen Friday.

Trump, in his evening news conference, did take issue with Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s bold reopening plans. “I disagree strongly,” he said. “I think it’s too soon.”

The governors’ moves coincided with lingering bleak news around the country.

The death toll in Massachuse­tts eclipsed 2,000 on Wednesday, doubling from just a week earlier. About 16,000 people remained hospitaliz­ed across New York. A meat plant in Iowa that is vital to the nation’s pork supply is the latest slaughterh­ouse to shut down because of outbreak. With the economy in for a long, brutal slump, Congress was on the verge of passing an almost $500-billion (U.S.) relief bill to bolster small businesses.

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