The Niagara Falls Review

It’s about time we started treating essential workers as essential

- RATNA OMIDVAR Sen. Ratna Omidvar is an independen­t senator from Ontario.

During this health crisis, some matters have become crystal clear. Our understand­ing of “essential work” has been sharpened by the context. We now realize that our lives can no longer carry on without grocery store workers, truck drivers, long-term care staff and temporary foreign workers. When the chips are down, these jobs matter to keep us safe and fed. These workers have returned to work every day to look after our parents and grandparen­ts and to feed us.

In normal times, we don’t think of them that way. They are not paid very well, as most are paid around minimum wage or slightly higher, and they often work in subpar conditions. They lack job security, work precarious jobs and don’t have benefits which force them to have multiple jobs pay the bills.

In long-term care, we have seen the results of decades of neglect by provincial government­s leading to suffering and dying of patients in places like Bobcaygeon and Dorval. Unions have “pointed out that the reliance on parttime and casual staff has forced many to take on more than one job to make ends meet. Chronic staff shortages have meant that residents do not get the care they need or deserve. Such working conditions make the transmissi­on of illness from one facility to another much more likely. In a pandemic, that has proven to be deadly.”

For many years, grocery store workers have complained about their working conditions, a lack of pay and benefits. They have taken their companies to court to fight for better supports, but have not seen the benefits because government­s haven’t prioritize­d these groups of workers.

We also now realize our food supply would be significan­tly disrupted without temporary foreign workers. The federal government has exempted agricultur­al workers from outside the country from the travel ban, underlinin­g how essential they are. And yet, it is dishearten­ing to hear about the countless stories of abuse. Discrimina­tion seems to be baked into the system. Deductions are made from their meagre paycheques for employment insurance and CPP even though they will never be able to draw from the benefits they are paying into. A report by the Toronto Star found Mexican workers on farms complained about physical abuse, deplorable living conditions with rooming houses riddled with bedbugs and rats and bathrooms leaking of fecal matter. Promises of change made by employers are not often met. The government has made changes to help deal with abuse, such as, not tying workers to one employer which gives them flexibilit­y to leave abusive workplaces. But more is needed.

It’s encouragin­g that many employers in these sectors have increased the pay of workers during the crisis. Government­s,

including the federal government, have stepped in to top up employee pay for long-term care personnel and other essential workers. But these are only temporary measures and will likely be turned back after the dark days of the pandemic are over.

Government­s and citizens can’t let that happen. It’s imperative that we rethink our notions and preconcept­ions of work. To reconsider the value we place on certain occupation­s. Our workforce is changing and we need to get ahead of the curve. We owe it to workers that have put themselves at great harm to support our nation. Let’s not just say thanks, but back it up with real and lasting changes to give these workers the respect they deserve. They stepped up for us, it is now time that we step up for them.

Their essential work must be compensate­d by essential pay.

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