The Niagara Falls Review

Huawei exec loses key court ruling

Decision means more arguments will be heard in Meng extraditio­n case


VANCOUVER—A B.C. Supreme Court judge has ruled against a Huawei executive wanted on fraud charges in the United States.

Associate Chief Justice Heather Holmes says in a decision released Wednesday that the allegation­s against Meng Wanzhou could constitute a crime in Canada.

“On the question of law posed, I conclude that, as a matter of law, the double criminalit­y requiremen­t for extraditio­n is capable of being met in this case,” she says in the written judgment.

The ruling means the court will continue to hear other arguments in the extraditio­n case, including whether Meng’s arrest at the Vancouver airport in December 2018 was unlawful.

It also means Meng, 48, will not be permitted to return to China and must remain in Canada.

The allegation­s against Meng, who is Huawei’s chief financial officer and the daughter of company founder Ren Zhengfei, date back to 2013.

She is accused of making false statements to HSBC, significan­tly understati­ng Huawei’s relationsh­ip with Skycom Tech Co., and putting the bank at risk of violating U.S. sanctions against Iran.

Meng and Huawei have denied all the allegation­s levelled against them.

In January, Holmes heard arguments in the case related to the issue of so-called double criminalit­y, or whether the alleged crime would have also been considered criminal if it took place in Canada.

Her lawyers argued that the conduct could not have amounted to fraud in Canada because it relates entirely to the effects of U.S. economic sanctions against Iran. At the time, Canada had no such sanctions, just as it has none now, they said.

The Attorney General of Canada told the court that the fraud allegation­s could be argued without reference to U.S. sanctions.

In her decision, Holmes says the allegation­s do depend on the effects of U.S. sanctions, but that’s not enough to dismiss the case.

“I conclude that those effects may play a part in the determinat­ion of whether double criminalit­y is establishe­d,” she said.

While she found the U.S. sanctions are not an “intrinsic” part of the alleged conduct, they explain how HSBC was at risk of violating them.

“For this reason, I cannot agree with Ms. Meng that to refer to U.S. sanctions in order to understand the risk to HSBC is to allow the essence of the conduct to be defined by foreign law. Canada’s laws determine whether the alleged conduct, in its essence, amounts to fraud.”

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