The Niagara Falls Review

Presidenti­al debate more like a debacle

Many wonder if chaos and tenor of event said more about the state of American democracy


BRUSSELS — The unedifying spectacle of Tuesday night’s presidenti­al debate produced some shock, some sadness and some weariness among U.S. allies and rivals alike Wednesday.

As President Donald Trump bellowed, blustered and shouted down both the moderator, Chris Wallace, and his opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, and as Biden responded by calling Trump a “clown,” many wondered if the chaos and tenor of the event said something more fundamenta­l about the state of American democracy.

“Of course, the ultimate arbiter will be the American voter,” said Ulrich Speck, an analyst with the German Marshall Fund in Berlin. “But there is a consensus in Europe that this is getting out of hand, and this debate is an indicator of the bad shape of the American democracy.”

There was always a sense among allies that in America, despite political disagreeme­nt, “there is one republic, and conflict will be solved by debate and compromise,” and “that power was married to some kind of morality,” Speck said.

But that view is now being questioned, he said.

“The debate was really no debate at all, but two people pursuing their strategies,” Speck said.

Many, if not most, European analysts blamed Trump for the mess.

“The debate was a joke, a low point, a shame for the country,”

Markus Feldenkirc­hen of the German newsmagazi­ne Der Spiegel posted on Twitter. “Roaring, insults, two over-70s who interrupt each other like 5-year-olds — and a moderator who loses all control. The trigger, of course: Trump’s uncouth, undignifie­d behaviour.”

John Sawers, a former British diplomat and head of a risk analysis firm, said simply: “My own response is that it makes me despondent about America. The country we have looked to for leadership has descended into an ugly brawl.”

Jeremy Shapiro, a former U.S. diplomat who is now research director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, said that foreigners would probably view the debate “as another sign of the degradatio­n of American democracy,” as some Americans do. The debate will not change foreign opinions of Trump or Biden, he said, but underneath the spectacle is something more troubling.

Both allies and rivals “see Trump and the political culture that created him heralding the decline of American democracy and American culture,” Shapiro said. That judgment, he added, is “only heightened by the coronaviru­s response, not just American absence in global leadership but the striking incompeten­ce in dealing with it at home.”

The coarseness of the debate will resonate abroad, Shapiro said.

“Biden on that stage calling the president of the United States a clown and a liar is not something Biden would have done four years ago under any circumstan­ces,” he said. “That he felt he has to do it is a sign to outsiders that American culture is in a cycle of decline.”

Thomas Gomart, director of the French Institute of Internatio­nal Relations, said that the debate strengthen­ed the impression “that the United States has retreated from the global stage and withdrawn into itself.” Trump, he said, “has explicitly walked away from the position of a global leader, and Joe Biden may be implicitly doing so, too.”

Gomart said the debate showed the deep partisansh­ip of today’s America, even in the face of the pandemic.

That view was shared by Nicole Bacharan, a French-American historian and political analyst who lives in France. She said she was “dismayed,” by what she saw in the debate, adding: “It sent a depressing image of the United States, of the American democracy and its role in the world.”

The events seem bound to heighten European Bacharan said.

“European leaders must have woken up this morning thinking, ‘ The American leadership is over, and for a while, even if Biden is elected and tried to rebuild what Trump has destroyed,’ ” she said.

The damage that has been done to trans-Atlantic relations, will at best take years to repair, she added.

“The truth is, the European leaders feel alone because they know that what Trump has dismantled cannot be rebuilt so quickly and so easily,” she said. “As for the others, Putin, Bolsonaro, Erdogan, they must be telling themselves what we already knew: They can do everything, because the U.S. isn’t a leader anymore.”

That was certainly the quick view in China, where official reaction was careful but that of the Global Times, a Communist Party propaganda sheet, was gleeful.

Hu Xijin, the paper’s editor, said that Trump and Biden “obviously did not show an exemplary role to American people on how to engage in debates.”

He added: “Such a chaos at the top of U.S. politics reflects division, anxiety of U.S. society and the accelerati­ng loss of advantages of the U.S. political system.”

Foreign policy was barely mentioned in the debate, but China has been a regular target during the campaign on topics as varied as the coronaviru­s pandemic and trade. Wang Wenbin, a spokespers­on for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said Wednesday that the government “resolutely opposes” efforts to involve China in the U.S. election and that accusation­s levelled against Beijing during the debate were “groundless and untenable.” anxieties,

 ?? LYNSEY WEATHERSPO­ON NEW YORK TIMES ?? The presidenti­al debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden was called a joke, low point and shame for the country by most European analysts.
LYNSEY WEATHERSPO­ON NEW YORK TIMES The presidenti­al debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden was called a joke, low point and shame for the country by most European analysts.

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