The Niagara Falls Review

Open, closed, somewhere in between, Canadian curling clubs navigate coronaviru­s


Canada’s curling clubs run the gamut from full steam ahead to delayed openings to total shutdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Clubs up and running are bracing for the economic impact of reduced registrati­on, bar sales and facility rentals and increased cleaning costs.

Curling Canada provided return-to-play guidelines this summer. What the recreation­al game looks like depends on health regulation­s and the level of infection in each province or territory, and rules instituted by the clubs themselves.

Curlers are adapting to game modificati­ons to reduce the risk of contagion, including one sweeper on a delivered stone instead of two in many clubs.

But Chatham, Exeter and Windsor’s Roseland are among Ontario clubs not opening this winter.

In B.C., the Kamloops Curling Club remains closed.

About 42 per cent of the Chatham Curling Club’s membership indicated this summer they wouldn’t curl this season, president Deanna Bullard said.

“It was the well-being and safety of our curling members that was first and foremost in our minds, because we have an older membership,” Bullard told The Canadian Press.

“It just became very apparent that we shouldn’t open.”

Chatham’s curling club has a reserve fund and owns its building. The club can financiall­y absorb not operating this winter and would have lost money if it did, Bullard said.

“My club’s been around since 1862, “she said. “We’ve been curling since before Canada. We’ve grown up with Canada. I want that tradition to survive.”

Edmonton’s Shamrock Curling Club is open, but will likely operate at a loss this winter even at 90 per cent membership renewal, according to its general manager.

“We’re not sure how comfortabl­e people are going to be using a lounge,” Chris McTavish said. “Curling clubs, the bar in a lot of ways is our lifeline and what keeps us afloat. When we lose that, we’re in tough.

“I haven’t received any requests for rental ice. We have a lot of big groups that come in and use our facility on the weekends with 20, 25, 30 teams. We’re going to be seeing significan­t losses both operationa­lly in our rentals, and in our lounge sales.”

The Kamloops Curling Club, meanwhile, felt closing this season made the most sense from a financial standpoint.

Club president Ron MacDonald, in a letter posted on the club’s website, said if the club tried to operate this year “we would surely use up our contingenc­y fund and, if we were forced to close during the season, we would be in serious trouble financiall­y.

“It could cause the club to permanentl­y close.”

Kamloops Curling Club is the home of reigning provincial women’s champion Corryn Brown.

The Town of Mount Royal Curling Club opened, but shut down Wednesday until further notice because the Montreal facility is in one of the Quebec’s COVID-19 “red zones.”

“Before this second wave hit, it looked like 70 per cent were going to open on time or maybe slightly later,” said Curling Canada’s director of curling club developmen­t Danny Lamoureux.

“About 20 per cent were going to open in January and about 10 per cent weren’t going to open at all,” he said.

“It looks like all the curling clubs in red-zone designated areas by the Quebec government have to close even though they’ve got ice in and they’re open.”

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