The Niagara Falls Review

Don’t let COVID-19 sicken our democracy


Justin Trudeau is absolutely right to reject the calls for him to postpone two federal byelection­s set for later this month in Toronto.

While the demands coming from Green party leader Annamie Paul and other opposition politician­s are supposedly driven by pandemic concerns, their motivation seems more about partisan self-interest than the public interest.

Consider that just eight days after those two Oct. 26 byelection­s, voters south of the border will go to the polls to decide whether Donald Trump will remain president for another four years. Would anybody seriously argue the presidenti­al election and all the other contests up for grabs in the United States on Nov. 3 should be delayed? Trump himself ignited a firestorm in July when he threatened to postpone the elections because COVID-19 will result in more mail-in votes.

So if wise minds agree an estimated 235 million American voters should still be able to exercise their franchise as planned, why shouldn’t roughly 160,000 Canadians be allowed to do it a few days earlier?

Obviously Paul thinks this shouldn’t happen. “Circumstan­ces for free, fair and, above all safe, byelection­s simply do not exist,” she said last week.

Yet Paul failed to back up this very serious charge. Nor did the New Democrats or Conservati­ves explain why, as they insist, the PM should have waited for the second wave of COVID-19 to pass before calling the byelection­s. Privately, they likely all believe their chances in these byelection­s would be better in the coming months if Trudeau’s popularity slides.

Yet, absent overwhelmi­ng evidence to the contrary, postponing what Elections Canada should be able to make two free and safe byelection­s would be profoundly unfair. The people living in the two, currently vacant, ridings of Toronto Centre and York Centre deserve to have elected and active MPs representi­ng them in Ottawa as soon as possible. The entire Canadian nation has a lot at stake in these byelection­s, too. Trudeau’s Liberals govern with a minority, which would be even smaller if on Oct. 26 they lose two ridings they currently hold.

And remember — this minority government could conceivabl­y lose a non-confidence vote in Parliament in the months ahead. Then Canadians would almost certainly face a general election. And like it or not, this country would have to find a way to do it.

These two, upcoming byelection­s provide the perfect learning opportunit­y, not only for candidates, political parties and voters but for Elections Canada, which is the non-partisan mechanic that makes Canada’s democratic machinery run smoothly.

As of this moment, Elections Canada is proceeding to run these byelection­s with the understand­ing this can be done safely despite COVID-19. There are ample opportunit­ies for residents in the two ridings to vote by mail. This option — and a full explanatio­n of how byelection voting should proceed during the pandemic — should be laid out before the public in a localized, public-informatio­n campaign.

Certainly everyone should understand the rules for safe distancing, wearing masks and the limits on the number of voters at a polling station at any one time.

But our law says the byelection­s must be called by February. And as Trudeau sensibly argued, delaying them could mean voters have to cope with an even more serious second wave of COVID-19.

Canadians have exercised their democratic voting rights during world wars and grinding economic depression­s. COVID-19 should not stop them now.

Besides, if the Americans can pull off a pandemic election, Canadians can do it as well — maybe even better.

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